Dell S2716DG - Dells first G-sync

1 Mar 2007
Still a bit salty everyone is getting perfect monitors, yet I get 3 which are all with issues :( I really like this monitor, but it's gone back to OC for a refund. I can't go through getting another, and another, etc etc.

Need to be on the look out for another monitor now.

Sounds daft, but maybe try one second hand but in immaculate condition / fully working with good warranty etc? :D annoying to need to go to these lengths but it might be the solution for people who are cursed! ;) just kidding!
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
Thought that now was an appropriate to post some feedback.

2 weeks on from taking delivery of my Dell. Thoughts:
- Looks OK. Doesn't look anything special when turned off. Some people seem to care, I don't
- Hooked it upto my fairly old i5 2500 powered unit, with a 1070 card via the supplied DV cable
- No apparent dead pixels
- Doesn't have the best anti-glare coating, but it's OK
- Includes 4 USB3 ports on it, which were instantly put to use by my missus
- Out of the box was miles adrift from a calibration perspective. I've been running an old Dell 2209WA IPS unit which I have calibrated using a Huey pro unit. Took several days of tweaking every so often to get it where I wanted and even then I ended up fiddling with the in game settings for some games
- Gsync was easy enough to enable
- Finally got it to the point I was happy (Gsync settings and calibration) and it looks lovely. I set my max frame rates around 120hz for ACS and ED. Both look stunning on it. No, I haven't got anything to compare it to apart from my old IPS, and I do wonder whether it might have been simpler to have 3 cheaper 24" non-gsync units...
12 May 2005
Finally I got my monitors direct from Dell.

I have three of them, not sure if I'll keep all three, can you even run triple screen in g sync mode?

But hopefully out of the three one should be a cracking screen.. : - ) Can't wait to try them later but stuck at work.
17 Aug 2005
SW Scotland
Still thinking about one of these.

Though initially it would be paired with my existing GTX 970 (OC's well and should at least be hitting the performance of a stock 980). Question... I'm assuming this would be OK for a while with this screen? Though I do appreciate I wont get 144 FPS with new AAA games.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Was running 1440p 144Hz G-Sync panel with 780 and 970 options previously and it is fine - you might have to sometimes turn MSAA down a touch or slightly back off some other settings but should still be able to play with high through to ultra settings depending on game no problem. You don't need to be getting 144fps to gain many of the advantages of one of these screens.
12 May 2005
Got one of these set up. Well, its big, and its not got a single dead pixel and now I've calibrated it, which wasn't all that hard I'm about to try some games with it, and see how it performs.

i did notice I had to change the refresh rate from 60 - 144 in display adapter properties. But other then this, painless setup. Even enabled g sync for me.

Could not be any easier.
17 Aug 2005
SW Scotland
Got one of these set up. Well, its big, and its not got a single dead pixel and now I've calibrated it, which wasn't all that hard I'm about to try some games with it, and see how it performs.

i did notice I had to change the refresh rate from 60 - 144 in display adapter properties. But other then this, painless setup. Even enabled g sync for me.

Could not be any easier.

Be interested to hear your views once you've tried a few games.

How do you find the reflective coating? As it seems a bit of a contentious issue with some folks.

Out of interest, what graphics card are you running.

PS. Rroff... thanks for your comments mate.
12 May 2005
Be interested to hear your views once you've tried a few games.

How do you find the reflective coating? As it seems a bit of a contentious issue with some folks.

Out of interest, what graphics card are you running.

PS. Rroff... thanks for your comments mate.

Im using a GTX980ti at the moment. As for a reflective coating, my screen actually appears semi matte finish so have they changed this?

I've tried a few games, g sync is a total game changer for me, smooth fps no matter what fps I have , F1 2016 max'd out hitting 80+ fps at 1440, did notice that Batman Arkham Asylum crashed with G Sync enabled and V sync in the NV control panel disabled. No problem - just enabled it.

Its a much better monitor then my ASUS - I'll give it some more time, but so far impressive screen.
26 Jan 2005
I've had mine a few days now, and I'm happy with it. No dead pixels thankfully.

Less happy that I seem to have the flicker problem doing the rounds with Nvidia 10xx's and 144hz on the desktop. Switching to 120hz solves this, but it really shouldn't be necessary.

With Rroffs settings I get a good image, though still appears a teeny bit washed out on occasion. Any small adjustments to rectify that?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
On 372.54 I'm getting no flicker on desktop at 144Hz but might need to update to get best performance with the new patches for DX:MD and 1-2 other games :S

Any further adjustment regarding colours would be monitor specific really - the settings I use are about as close as it gets without creating an ICC profile customised for the monitor. You might get lucky with the TFT central one. Could also try nudging the contrast a touch and digital vibrancy in the nVidia control panel but I'm not a fan of those as they degrade the fidelity a bit in trade off for more of a visual "pop" to the image (if its purely for gaming that might be preferable for some).
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12 May 2005
I noticed that if I set my colour in NV control panel not all games use it, and worse yet, I reboot the NV colour settings don't apply and I have to reset the check box to apply the NV custom colour.

Had no flicker, using latest NV drivers, and bleed is very low on my screen. I was impressed with it, but then for the money it should be impressive. I'll try the other two tonight, think I only need on, even at the price I can get them at, to justify three for triple screen will be hard sell.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
So far everything seems to use the gamma setting I've set in the nVidia control panel without any issues - I don't really use any other colour tweaks in software.
12 May 2005
So far everything seems to use the gamma setting I've set in the nVidia control panel without any issues - I don't really use any other colour tweaks in software.

Ah I've done something wrong then. That's fine, I'll go and check my settings. Witcher 3 was the biggest culprit.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
^^ I've not played The Witcher 3 so possible that doesn't play nice.

Its a bit of a shame that they haven't added hardware gamma on the monitor configurable through the OSD by now - not sure if the problem is linked to the use of the nVidia FPGA for G-Sync.
12 May 2005
^^ I've not played The Witcher 3 so possible that doesn't play nice.

Its a bit of a shame that they haven't added hardware gamma on the monitor configurable through the OSD by now - not sure if the problem is linked to the use of the nVidia FPGA for G-Sync.

Actually if I was to pick fault with the screen then yes it is the lack of gamma via the panel itself.

Everything else is great, but the lack of gamma does leave you having to do this via software. Shame, but other then this, I love my Dell, I will be buying one of them, as its a try buy for me right now.
7 Mar 2005
I noticed that if I set my colour in NV control panel not all games use it, and worse yet, I reboot the NV colour settings don't apply and I have to reset the check box to apply the NV custom colour.

If you have an ICC profile installed (even the default), this will override the NVidia CP settings on each boot. Make sure to uninstall the profiles in colour management, both for the current user and system default. This might be your issue.
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12 May 2005
If you have an ICC profile installed (even the default), this will override the NVidia CP settings on each boot. Make sure to install the profiles in colour management, both for the current user and system default. This might be your issue.

Bingo. Thank you. Fixed it 100%. Brilliant thanks for that.

I've had to remove the overclock on my CPU if I use G Sync I've noticed. The two don't seem to play nicely. i5 6600k at 4.4 but games like Rocket League , Pure Pool, Pinball FX 2 and even Project Cars and Batman Arkham all hard crashed using G Sync and my OC. Removed the OC and all is fine, so that is something I need to look into.

TBH, do I even need an OC on my CPU now I have G Sync as G Sync smooths everything out so well, dropped frames aren't an issue, and games that can hit 144fps are a full smooth lock.

Superb stuff.
7 Mar 2005
^ Pleased to hear that helped :)

As for the overclock, were you a vsync gamer prior to gsync? I'm just wondering if by running at a higher frame rate you're stressing the system more than previously. Might just be a case of a little more voltage will resolve the problem.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Not had any G-Sync and CPU overclock related issues personally, does sound like its working your system a little harder and something possibly needs a small voltage bump or backing off slightly.
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