Dell Vostro 1500

Vista is booting insanely fast now :) getting 30 seconds from pressing the 'on' button to the login screen on a cold boot :D

Although i'm still having trouble with the desktop loading slowly, i have a feeling it's something to do with the wireless. The desktop partially loads then waits 30 seconds and freezes, during this time the wireless icon in the taskbar is showing as not being connected even though i can access the network and the internet. After the screen has flashed black and the desktop loaded the wireless icon shows as connected.

A friend of mine at college suggested it could be that many of the programs are set to load on a delay, but they are all trying to load at the same time, causing the blackout and freeze. Could this be a cause, or is it a silly suggestion? :P
Although i'm still having trouble with the desktop loading slowly, i have a feeling it's something to do with the wireless. The desktop partially loads then waits 30 seconds and freezes, during this time the wireless icon in the taskbar is showing as not being connected even though i can access the network and the internet. After the screen has flashed black and the desktop loaded the wireless icon shows as connected.

If you are not going to be using an external monitor have a go at the below. Got rid of the screen flash & some of the annoying start up delay for me.

Not my work so I take no credit.

1. Disable TMM

This tweak is responsible for about a 3-5 second delay and blank screen flash when you start Vista. It searches for external monitors but is unnecessary.

If you are not using an external monitor, or dont switch back and forth always...turn TMM off. This is responsible for that 3-5 sec pause and blank flash you get when turning your computer on.

Here's how to fix that annoying black flicker on boot:

1. Go start/control panel/administrative options/task scheduler.

On the left-hand side, click "Task Scheduler Local" (you should already be there, but just in case).
Expand "Task Scheduler Library," then "Microsoft," then "Windows," then click "MobilePC."
Up top, you'll see a task called "TMM." Click it, and on the right-hand side, click "Disable."
You're done.

Start time reduced and Blank flash gone!!!!
Would it be considered a backward step to order the Vostro with XP Pro installed?

I have 6 PC`s that i have access to at home and at work which all run XP. As a result, i am very familiar with the OS. I have not really seen anything to convince me to take the plunge with Vista.

But, i am by no means an expert. What do you guys think?
I was a thinking of getting XP pre-installed, especially after the negative comments Vista got around here.

Decided to stick with Vista and don't regret it at all. Been problem free for me and feels quicker than XP.
Well I got 91fps in the CS:S Benchmark, at 1680 1050 with everything on full except (no AA and Trilinear filtering). Not exactly the latest title I know but it's my main game so I'm pretty pleased with that (coming from a Pentium M 1.73 and 64mB X300), and hopefully it gives you some idea of performance.
Anyone run 3dmark06 on the Vostro? I was going to install it but realized that Vista has directx 10 already and 3dmark wants directx 9c, can both be installed at the same time? and then remove 9c afterwards? Or is it not worth the bother.
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Anyone run 3dmark06 on the Vostro? I was going to install it but relized that Vista has directx 10 already and 3dmark wants directx 9c, can both be installed at the same time? and then remove 9c afterwards? Or is it not worth the bother.

You can install both 9 & 10 at the same time without issues.
OK, ran 3Dmark06 and I've got the following on Windows XP:

Main Test Results
3DMark Score 3157 3DMarks

SM 2.0 Score 1305 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 1104 Marks

CPU Score 1744 Marks

This seems a little low to me- anybody else mind doing a benchmark for me to compare please? Thanks.
OK, ran 3Dmark06 and I've got the following on Windows XP:

Main Test Results
3DMark Score 3157 3DMarks

SM 2.0 Score 1305 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 1104 Marks

CPU Score 1744 Marks

This seems a little low to me- anybody else mind doing a benchmark for me to compare please? Thanks.

what spec is the laptop?
Sounds like i need to go driver testing again then. Just to confirm, is there anything in the BIOS I need to check that would affect graphics performance?
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