Delta Force: Hawk Ops

12 Jul 2008
Not heard of this one before and can't find any hint of a release date (and no Steam page yet) but I have very fond memories of playing the Delta Force and Joint Ops games in the 90/00s.

holy Hell, where did this come from? huge fan of the games back in the day [recently put a couple back on the puter but for some reason Land Warrior will not play at all]. we were all eagerly awaiting Angel Falls that had some cracking teaser trailers and then it all just....died :-(
My first online gaming was Joint Ops, great stuff but my weedy PC at the time used to cry whenever i put it on.

not sure about the voice talent in that trailer, lol.
Played the first 2 fondly then didnt follow on what happened with the franchise. The trailer looks interesting but doesn't seem to offer much over anything we haven't seen yet already.
Deltaforce 2 was the first game i got into when i started PC Gaming, formed a clan which was well known back in the day, playing on the Novaworld servers. Have met many of my old squaddies irl and am still in touch with most of them 25 years later. So to say Deltaforce holds a special place in my heart is an understatement.

Its hard seeing the game name without the Novalogic branding so we shall see what it ends up like in reality but i reckon if nothing else it will be a good excuse to see if we can get some of the old Novaworld peeps back for some Good'ol Days, Jokers Wild shenanigans :D
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am i right thinking this is only online? part of the reason i loved the others was it being single player. that and the mission editor. i creators a couple of big missions for BHD back on the DF Barracks site.
was some cracking fanboy mods/missions available.
Delta Force 2 was amazing. I used to love the pub servers on that game.
Black Hawk Down was my next DF game and that was also amazing.
Joint Operations was another that I would love to see a remake of.
Absolutely loved Delta Force and still got my physical copies. I think DF 1 was the first game I played multiplayer with @Blackvault via modem mode which at the time was science fiction to us.
Absolutely loved Delta Force and still got my physical copies. I think DF 1 was the first game I played multiplayer with @Blackvault via modem mode which at the time was science fiction to us.
Those were the days! It was a groundbreaking game for me, as well mate.

Edit: Having watched the trailers, it all feels very generic. :(
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I thought the Delta Force series was like SWAT / Rainbow Six, am I mis-remembering?

This looks more like Warzone / Overwatch.
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I've still got DF 1 & 2 on disc somewhere in the loft and I've got the Steam editions too (inc BHD), love those games. I spent literally hours in-front of a CRT monitor in MP just watching for a single pixel to move, knowing that it was an enemy player who'd just signed their death warrant by moving a foot etc. God I was lethal with the M40A1, silenced .22 pistol and a couple of LAWS :)

Anyway, with this new game I just don't see an USP with it vs all the other identical PvP games out there which use the same settings so I can't see this breaking into many people play list unless they get some Twitch/YT'ers playing it for hype.
I was in a games shop back in the day and the owners was playing Delta force on their top gaming rig, I was watching and completely blown away by the graphics.
He was scouting out a base with the sniper rifle, right then I was sold and had to build my own pc (pentium 2 266 or something).
Then followed great games like project igi and code name eagle
Great times
A reboot could be amazing, but I guess It could come out like sniper elite if they don’t do something special
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