Delta Force: Hawk Ops

No way in a million years is it better to than battlefield

Its way better than 2042, and I'm one of the few people that thinks 2042 is a good game, but I say this mostly because the Delta Force maps are so good, the right size and combat is intense with plenty of cover. Outside of Battlefield I haven't had so much fun in a shooter in years. The game is only just out and will evolve (I recall the devs saying they had new content already made for release over the next 2 years or something like that)

I'd probably put it on a par with other Battlefields if it had a server browser, squad management and no heroes with special abilities.
Heads up

Delta Force can turn off Vsync in your Nvidia Control panel on some systems! ( Even if you have vsync on / off / fast off in the game ). Which means if you play any other games, it's been turned off APP 3D preference

I'm liking it but its a bit of a shame there are zero comms happening, even in the loot mode, no one talks.

I wish the guns were a bit more deadly too.
A massive new update, 53GB in size, is out today. It includes new maps, a new game mode, operators, and fixes for general gameplay and nerfing/increasing the weapons.

I'd just sat down to play a game or two, and it started to update. On my lowly rural internet connection of 17Mbps, that's around 8-9 hours of download time. I guess I'll not get any play time in today :(
Still only played warfare not tried operations yet (sick of extraction games), but I'm not enjoying it as much as I did the betas, the TTK is too low. It's spawn and insta death
Still only played warfare not tried operations yet (sick of extraction games), but I'm not enjoying it as much as I did the betas, the TTK is too low. It's spawn and insta death

Other than a sniper shot to the head the TTK in warfare is pretty high coming from someone who plays mostly Operations. I'm constantly sat there looking at someone taking 10 bullets and still running and I'm like what the...

Some of the spawns could be better placed though. If one team is dominating (and the other is just lemmings) it's easy to hold position and fire down anyone running from the same spawn over and over again....people generally don't realise they can change spawn locations and will just run the same route over and over.
Wanting to give this a shot, is the 88GB download worth it?

Wonder if there's any BS involved with it too, like a separate launcher that I remember from back in the day F2P Chinese/Korean games.
There's quite a varied amount for the 88Gb so worth it in that sense.

I mainly play Operations which has 4 decent sized maps, but then there's the whole large team Warfare mode (and the multitude of gameplay modes in that) and then the new 3v3v3 which I haven't tried yet.

There is a launcher when opening from Steam but it's just for DF.
Just started messing around with this game. Noticed that it's running at faster than 180fps (my monitor's limit) and I can see a tiny bit of tearing. If I turn on VSYNC, 180fps super smooth.

Why isn't it using GSYNC over DisplayPort like my DMZ (CoD) is?
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