Delta Force: Hawk Ops

played last night it ran really well on my system 1440p full settings but dropped some i5-10400f/35gb ram/6700xt average fps 120 1% low 95 ( I did update my drivers last night so might have helped )

but a friend of mine had the same issues as Soldato

Smoke amazing the first time I felt smoke was worth using since CS 1

latency was ok when I played hits hitting when I expected them to ect

looking for people to play with now
Apparently the game is full of cheating AI bots...Getting lots of negative reviews too :(
the two games I played didnt notice this both teams pretty even with people moving like people

but... the chaff always scream this when people rusty like me can top 10 with 40+ kills and they get 5 instant call out the cheats on everyone who kills them
Put a couple of hours in to this last night with a couple of friends. Initial impressions were positive I'll be honest, then I read this:

Tencent gonna Tencent. At a time where the world is scrutinising loot boxes, they've based a game around the model. I imagine they'll ratchet up the intrusiveness of those market/loot box things in the coming weeks then.

Pretty cynical when you think about it. Chinese company copies Western IP to generate a game that will hang on the coat tails of successors. Then using that good will try to create a Market place like CounterStrike/Steam to hock pay to win nonsense and skins.

Which is a shame as I enjoyed the free game last night, but then again I was supposed to.
but... the chaff always scream this when people rusty like me can top 10 with 40+ kills and they get 5 instant call out the cheats on everyone who kills them

Well considering I came top three on all three games I played, with second highest kills.. I hope I didn't get reported :cry:
@Neil79 you would be on some spotty kids list of cheats

a few years back playing battlefield V our squads would be reported every match with constant chat about cheats as we entered a server

above average/good players + good squad skills really racks up the hate
I must have played over 50 hours of this game across both play tests and since beta release on Wednesday, and not even set foot in the extraction mode yet. Already had my money's worth :D
i really want a BF2/3/4 replacement, sadly this isnt it.. the maps are quite small with to many players (should be 32 for this size) would prefer a bit more hardcore without the spotting. Appears to be a clone of BF Rush mode, and not conquest. hate operators, and having to squad up before joining a server... and not being able to pick a server. I think its a little fun short term, but i doubt i will be playing this in the new year...
i really want a BF2/3/4 replacement, sadly this isnt it.. the maps are quite small with to many players (should be 32 for this size) would prefer a bit more hardcore without the spotting. Appears to be a clone of BF Rush mode, and not conquest. hate operators, and having to squad up before joining a server... and not being able to pick a server. I think its a little fun short term, but i doubt i will be playing this in the new year...
same but if I get 50-100 hours from it job done , its dragged me away from Chivalry 2 for a bit but do miss my battle axe
same but if I get 50-100 hours from it job done , its dragged me away from Chivalry 2 for a bit but do miss my battle axe
the thing about chivalry it really is fun, even when you die its fun... and not frustrating
Put a couple of hours in to this last night with a couple of friends. Initial impressions were positive I'll be honest, then I read this:

Tencent gonna Tencent. At a time where the world is scrutinising loot boxes, they've based a game around the model. I imagine they'll ratchet up the intrusiveness of those market/loot box things in the coming weeks then.

Pretty cynical when you think about it. Chinese company copies Western IP to generate a game that will hang on the coat tails of successors. Then using that good will try to create a Market place like CounterStrike/Steam to hock pay to win nonsense and skins.

Which is a shame as I enjoyed the free game last night, but then again I was supposed to.

If its just skins they are selling the solution is simple, just play for free and don't buy them. Now if they start adding pay to win weapons for a few we have a problem.
Played for a few hours, don't really feel the urge to go back to it.

There is still a huge market for large scale fps games of high quality, just remove the gimmick operator stuff. I don't want electric arrows, exo suits blah blah.
Anyone else having an issue with the game getting stuck on loading screen? It did this to me in the beta and then started working okay, I got my first match in just there in this release, went to play a second and it gets stuck at 23% and wont move til it times out. Rinse and repeat cant get a game in now :(.
the thing about chivalry it really is fun, even when you die its fun... and not frustrating
some of my top moments

Head shot with a javelin respawn and walk past my own body pinned 3ft of the floor to a market stall

died as it goes to fade my own head rolls past me

winning a 7v1 on defence in under 10 seconds

find I can just pick the game up play a round relax if I dont feel it I lose nothing by dropping out
Anyone else having an issue with the game getting stuck on loading screen? It did this to me in the beta and then started working okay, I got my first match in just there in this release, went to play a second and it gets stuck at 23% and wont move til it times out. Rinse and repeat cant get a game in now :(.
not had that
I had huge hope for this. Sigh.

Just remake DF:BHD(TS) with modern graphic, keep the game play the same. Have open maps like the old days, keep the players down to 16 players, maybe 20 MAX.

They could do that skin **** if they want to make extra money on the side.
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