
I loved the idea of Demeo - but struggled to really enjoy it.
I think the problem is that I am a 'crawler' where RPG types are concerned. Careful, tactical approach, clearing as I go. Games where stuff constantly re-spawns if you take that approach just don't work for me.
I loved the idea of Demeo - but struggled to really enjoy it.
I think the problem is that I am a 'crawler' where RPG types are concerned. Careful, tactical approach, clearing as I go. Games where stuff constantly re-spawns if you take that approach just don't work for me.
only certain things really respwn with anger, and you just have to find the nests and hit them some as i remember.
Enemies definitely respawn, so you can't take everything too slow, but you don't have to rush in a blind panic either. Sending an assassin to pick up leftover gold whilst stealthed is a good way to try and mop up the rest of the goodies whilst preparing to leave.
Can demeo be played with a controller? I may give it another chance if I can use a Xbox or dual sense controller
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Enemies definitely respawn, so you can't take everything too slow, but you don't have to rush in a blind panic either. Sending an assassin to pick up leftover gold whilst stealthed is a good way to try and mop up the rest of the goodies whilst preparing to leave.
been a long while since i last played so your probably right then. i just remember the nests constantly spawning little buggers.
Can demeo be played with a controller? I may give it another chance if I can use a Xbox or dual sense controller
flat screen(no longer being sold) lists controller support.
i see they merged flatscreen and the VR product back to a single package. this also lists controller support. i dont have a vr set up to test but work having a look at it.

I see they are also releasing : Demeo Battles :
not sure how i feel about that, i kind of feel it should just be a differant mode to the main game.
1v1 or 2v2 battler / PVP might interest a few people.
Not particularly interested in Demeo Battles but really hoping for more campaigns for the normal Demeo, its just so damned good. We've been 4 playering it in VR and its easily one of the best multiplayer VR games for co-op, just superb and totally nails the boardgame aesthetic and nostalgia, reminds me so much of my favourite boardgame as a kid which was called Dungeon
Has there been any suggestion of a level builder? Seems like an obvious thing to do as a "final" release. Would add a huge amount of replayability if you can play other people's levels. Have a rating system to see which are good etc.
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