Democratic Socialists of America

I'd honestly like to go just to troll the absolute bjesus out of them, but I doubt I would be able to retain a straight face for barely a few seconds before I burst out into laughter and wet myself.

It would just be far too easy to be fun. Like shooting fish in a barrel using a minigun.
This is the decadence that destroys all successful societies over time. When a society no longer needs to be lead by the strong, the weak take over and destroy that society. It's a cycle.

The father of modern History Edward Gibbon wrote "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" one of the most influential history books of all time. The following quote is someone summing up some of his thoughts.

excerpt from a letter in The Daily Telegraph Oct 2003 said:
The vast majority are not bothered with such ideals, for increasingly most people are ignorant of the values of liberty and truth; all they want is personal comfort and affluence, and they will remain silent as long as politicians deliver these things.
Gibbon wrote that the following five attributes characterised Rome at its end. First, a mounting love of show and luxury; second, a widening gap between the very rich and the very poor; third, an obsession with sex; fourth, freakishness in the arts, masquerading as originality, and enthusiasm pretending to be creativity; fifth, an increased desire to live off the state. We are back in Rome.

This quote really stuck with me.
So, the 'Democratic Socialists of America' recently held a convention, and it's an absolute goldmine. :D

You could put 6 of those guys together and still not get a testosterone figure in the normal healthy range.

I really do look forward to the revolution these wet wipes are planning. It's going to be hilarious. They can't deal with clapping and loud noises, but they're totally going to bring down capitalism.

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried" - Winston Churchill

And anywhere that Socialism has been implemented it's always ended in tears. The young will always be attracted to lefty ideas but will always turn a blind eye to the invertible routine of socialist governments when then clamp down on freedoms and liberties. The difference these days it's clamp downs are dressed up in the interest of 'protecting' people from hate speech which for people in the extreme means anything that they disagree with.
That's a laughable assertion, considering that most civil liberties have been championed and achieved by the left.

Yes the left are for civil liberties, but they're pro civil liberties at the expense of individual freedoms. They're pro high taxes to pay for massive social systems, is giving your money to government for redistribution a freedom? They're pro hate speech laws at the expense of freedom of speech. They're pro restrictions on ownership of guns, or anything that could be considered dangerous, at the expense of individual freedoms.
The father of modern History Edward Gibbon wrote "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" one of the most influential history books of all time. The following quote is someone summing up some of his thoughts.

excerpt from a letter in The Daily Telegraph Oct 2003 said: said:
The vast majority are not bothered with such ideals, for increasingly most people are ignorant of the values of liberty and truth; all they want is personal comfort and affluence, and they will remain silent as long as politicians deliver these things.
Gibbon wrote that the following five attributes characterised Rome at its end. First, a mounting love of show and luxury; second, a widening gap between the very rich and the very poor; third, an obsession with sex; fourth, freakishness in the arts, masquerading as originality, and enthusiasm pretending to be creativity; fifth, an increased desire to live off the state. We are back in Rome.

This quote really stuck with me.
What a load of tripe, Rome's problems at the end had nothing to with any of those things, Gibbon's work has been pretty cast aside over the years, if you want to quote anyone quote Adrian Goldsworthy. The collapse of WRE was an economic collapse more then anything else thanks to internal fighting and the decision to split the eastern side which was the economic engine room of the Empire from the west which resulted in rampant inflation and Rome struggled to keep paying for the upkeep of it's army to hold back tribes that were migrating west thanks to climate change.
This is the decadence that destroys all successful societies over time. When a society no longer needs to be lead by the strong, the weak take over and destroy that society. It's a cycle.
War sorts this crap out :p

That's a laughable assertion, considering that most civil liberties have been championed and achieved by the left.

Yes the left are for civil liberties, but they're pro civil liberties at the expense of individual freedoms. They're pro high taxes to pay for massive social systems, is giving your money to government for redistribution a freedom? They're pro hate speech laws at the expense of freedom of speech. They're pro restrictions on ownership of guns, or anything that could be considered dangerous, at the expense of individual freedoms.

Hilarious nonsense.
Walking through mozzers today they had a sign showing "queit time" as Saturday between 9-10 or something, and it's a great thing they do this for those who genuinely require it. I cannot believe anyone in that video does though, fake muppets.
Yes the left are for civil liberties, but they're pro civil liberties at the expense of individual freedoms. They're pro high taxes to pay for massive social systems, is giving your money to government for redistribution a freedom? They're pro hate speech laws at the expense of freedom of speech. They're pro restrictions on ownership of guns, or anything that could be considered dangerous, at the expense of individual freedoms.

Sounds about right to me, not sure how anyone can dismiss what you said there.

I think people confuse the old left with the ridiculous regressive nutters who have taken over the left now and they refuse to criticise it, thats the problem.
Dismissive condescension. Incidentally that's why Trump won and Brexit is happening, arrogant complacency and the assumption of some intellectual high ground which doesn't exist

More hilarious nonsense.

Every time I read your posts, all I hear is a high pitched scream of raw insecurity.
More hilarious nonsense.

Every time I read your posts, all I hear is a high pitched scream of raw insecurity.

Ok, I can't wait for Trump to win in 2020 and for us to leave the EU this year lol. I'll take pleasure reading communists at The Guardian telling us all why the world is going to blow up while I'm having a good laugh.
The collapse of WRE was an economic collapse more then anything else thanks to internal fighting and the decision to split the eastern side which was the economic engine room of the Empire from the west which resulted in rampant inflation and Rome struggled to keep paying for the upkeep of it's army to hold back tribes that were migrating west thanks to climate change.

Agricultural exhaustion played a large part also.
If someone were to say these people were the result of some biological experiment I would not be in the least surprised. Perhaps at best someone put bromide in their lattes? To go through adolescence in such an effete and self flagellating state must be terrible. It's certainly pitiful and depressing to watch.
Your not saying why its hilarious nonsense, your just screaming yourself. Explain why its nonsense maybe people will listen?

It's just a list of wild exaggerations without a single piece of evidence to support them.
What a load of tripe, Rome's problems at the end had nothing to with any of those things, Gibbon's work has been pretty cast aside over the years, if you want to quote anyone quote Adrian Goldsworthy. The collapse of WRE was an economic collapse more then anything else thanks to internal fighting and the decision to split the eastern side which was the economic engine room of the Empire from the west which resulted in rampant inflation and Rome struggled to keep paying for the upkeep of it's army to hold back tribes that were migrating west thanks to climate change.

I think you have missed the point. I accept that modern historical analysis has largely supplanted Gibbon's vision, and I only included a brief explanation of who Gibbon was because not everyone will have heard of him.

But the quote is the letter describing Gibbon's five observations and suggesting that the same five observations are true of our own society now. Which tied in with Moley's assertion that decadence had destroyed society in cycles.
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