Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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Ah of course, the classic defence during crowd control. Kneel on someone’s neck idly whilst your 2 fellow officers do nothing. Perfect.

Lets see what you user name means.

"In modern internet vernacular, a generic all-purpose phrase that roughly equates to "duh," and can be used in a variety of situations to indicate stupidity."

hmmm, it’s almost like most of us who have actually had to go hands on with someone in security might of been saying itt how utterly reprehensible and pointless the knee on neck was once a handcuffed male was facedown...

Key word. "could".

Surely the key word you were looking for in this testimony would have been "should".

Like it or not, this case will likely hang on these subtle nuances.
Key word. "could".

Surely the key word you were looking for in this testimony would have been "should".

Like it or not, this case will likely hang on these subtle nuances.

I get what you are saying, but I think subtly goes out the window when it comes to should, what with, you know, mans dying and all.
I get what you are saying, but I think subtly goes out the window when it comes to should, what with, you know, mans dying and all.

Thats why we have laws and due process, so comments like these dont lead to the police officer being lined up against a wall and shot, you know, in places like NK.
Tell me.
How does one know if any of them have a gun?
Case in point

I think that is what people forget a lot of the time.

On one hand you do get US police videos (inc shootings) that are completely unreasonable and indeed there is a general lack of training compared to UK police let alone UK armed police.

Plus there is a big cultural difference where they escalate and use much more force (tasers etc..) for compliance purposes rather than self-defence.

On the other hand some of the cultural differences are driven by the obvious difference in environment. If you have a traffic stop in the UK you can just get out of the car right away and have a casual chat with the officer, if they need a driving license or insurance you can be requested to turn up at a police station in the near future and provide those if you don't have them with you at the time. If you have a traffic stop in the US you'd best not even attempt to leave the car unless instructed and you need to keep you license and insurance with you and have them ready to immediately hand over to the officer... not much casual about it, can't just get out and have a friendly chat.

This is why when Floyd was stopped and started acting crazy, didn't respond well to instructions etc.. guns were drawn pretty quickly whereas in the UK police would more likely just try a different approach, chat to him and try to reassure him etc.. with hindsight that would have been a better approach too but when there is that gun threat police in the US can't necessarily afford to be too relaxed.
Maybe Angillion is about to tell us that the nazi party and their belief in the master race were left wing socialists...

And maybe not. But why let reality get in the way of your beliefs?

Reality is far more complex than the left/right false dichotomy, which is an over-simplification of an over-simplification.

The National Socialists were socialists, obviously. They fitted into neither of the two over-over-simplified "left or right" boxes.

EDIT: Although it could be argued that they were on the left side of the over-simplified spectrum due to policies such as nationalisation, welfare state and generally large government control over the economy. But I'd say it was more complicated.
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Devastating testimony from the head of homicide earlier, he testified that kneeling on a neck like that can kill - and he’d never been trained to do that in his career.

Also lots of testimony related to the use of force and proportion.

I think the defence could lose the case on that testimony alone, for a jury to sit and listen to a seasoned head of homicide give that kind of info the way he did.
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