Derek Chauvin murder trial (Police officer who arrested George Floyd)

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What is this obsession with where she lives? Why does it matter if she lives in a majority white neighbourhood?

It could be that she shouts anti-white for political gain whilst living among “the people” she hates. Could suggest a disingenuous character inciting violence only for personal gain.


I mentioned it once. It's not a obsession.
And it makes white folk feel unsafe with her shouting about how she hates white people.
It could be that she shouts anti-white for political gain whilst living among “the people” she hates. Could suggest a disingenuous character inciting violence only for personal gain.

Does she hate white people? She seems to be vocal about support for BLM and black rights, and it seems she had a major issue with Trump but does that mean she hates white people? Do we think she refuses to deal with them? Discriminates against them? I can't seem to find any evidence for that myself.

I don't know much about the woman all told, it's just whenever I see someone talk about black folk upping sticks and living among the "enemy" i can't help but get Uncle Tom vibes.
Does she hate white people? She seems to be vocal about support for BLM and black rights, and it seems she had a major issue with Trump but does that mean she hates white people? Do we think she refuses to deal with them? Discriminates against them? I can't seem to find any evidence for that myself.

I don't know much about the woman all told, it's just whenever I see someone talk about black folk upping sticks and living among the "enemy" i can't help but get Uncle Tom vibes.

She also called the black people "Uncle Toms" which is a racist rhetoric.
Yes it is, I'd ask for more details but I don't want to derail the thread more than I have done so I will just do some Google fu.

All told though I don't think living in a white area and campaigning against racial injustice makes you a hypocrite.

Just look it up. There is plenty.
She has a go at white people, then goes and live with them.
"Waters on Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Only Promise of White Supremacy Is That None of Us Are Safe"

How do you think the white people living by her feel?

Anyway as you say.

Back on topic.

The defence is doing a good job.
Just look it up. There is plenty.
She has a go at white people, then goes and live with them.
"Waters on Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Only Promise of White Supremacy Is That None of Us Are Safe"

How do you think the white people living by her feel?

Anyway as you say.

Back on topic.

The defence is doing a good job.

Anti white supremacy is not anti white.

They probably feel glad they're not white supremacists? Just a guess.
Based on the defences final statements, I suspect the BLM riot squad are currently sharpening their pitchforks.

The 2021 BS award should go to the attourney that is currently giving the rebuttal.
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If I was a juror, I don't see how I could find one way or the other.

Maybe Chauvin's actions contributed to Floyd's death. Maybe. Maybe they didn't.

How on Earth could I be certain either way?

So I'd have to return Not Guilty, or Not Proven. Not sure how anyone could be certain.
I'd go not guilty on all charges.

GF might have looked lean and athletic, but had many serious health issues. That, plus drugs, plus adrenalin and exertion of resisting, for me, is a far more likely cause of death. Especialy when combined with there being no tissue damage to suggest any significant force was applied by the restraint technique.

Even a sudden sprint could have killed him.
Considering the circumstances, I think that there is a very high probability that someone either knows the identities of the jurors or will be willing expend a great deal of effort in finding that out.

The only sensible verdict is therefore to not reach one.
Have I just heard this right in that the judge now has the final say on the result?

Sorry am not watching live but I presume you're referring to the sentencing right? The verdict itself is down to the Jury.

Well that's a spanner in the works for BLM then, the Judge just said that the congresswomens actions might just lead to the trial being over turned.

I guess we could get a third round of rioting after any appeal then too...

As mentioned before I reckon manslaughter is the most likely followed by a mistrial and then 3rd-degree murder (with or without manslaughter too - they can return up to two verdicts)...

Any of those could result in a second round of massive nationwide riots... and then any resulting appeal another round.
Whatever the result I don't think the protestors will be happy with it, either Chauvin is guilty for manslaughter or he walks, neither options provide the blood the baying mob desire
Had the prosecution met the bar for guilty verdicts?

IMHO, no. On anything. Remember the starting point in this is innocent, it is up to the prosecution to prove guilt, not for the defense to prove innocence. (I know many in here wont like being told this).
Interesting, this betting market currently has Chauving being found guilty of one verdict as the highest probability (presumably heavily weighted towards manslaughter?) but also weights 2 verdicts (max allowed) as higher than none (mistrial or not guilty), I fund that surprising as I reckon p(mistrial or not guilty) > p(3rd-degree murder) > p(2nd-degree murder).

(liquidity is rather low tho....)
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