An Amp (I assume) and good headphones, running from an mp3 player with one of the worst sound qualities out there, bit of a waste?
Nice setup though.
An ipod touch/class playing ALAC through the LOD isn't the worst source out there imo.
I use the chord DAC which is on top of the amp for the majority of my headphone listening. I must say it is amazing.
I have a essence STX in my main pc and it makes it sound like onboard lol.
You have some really nice equipment there, r2d2, although I'm not sure that it's laid out very well, going by the photographs.
I got to a stage like you with loads of equipment that just wasn't nicely arranged. You need to strip it all down and start again. It will pay dividends, believe me.
If I was you I'd direct your money towards some bigger desk(s), perhaps getting a carpenter in to build a really nice continuous workspace around the walls? Or just rearranging your desks so that the whole area is more user-friendly...
True, it's not the worst, but ipods aren't exactly at the top of the mp3 player sound quality list.
Sultan of Ping had a good suggestion, and you wouldn't necessarily have to bring anyone in if you are reasonably practically minded to do it either. A couple of pieces of worktop placed along the two walls, meeting in the corner is pretty easy to do, and a couple of basic draws/shelves from Ikea could hold the fronts up and provide the storage you have. Nice looking and pretty cheap.
Now with added C&YH docked goodness
It's an HTC Magic as far as I am aware. Looks nice in the dock. It inspired me the other day to purchase a dock for my Touch Pro so that is on it's way soon.
Aye HTC Magic
As for the arm, it sure is awesome
yeh, this is the touch pro:
The touch pro 2 is now out which looks like below:
I'm really glad I got my Touch Pro, love it and when the contract runs out then I'm pretty sure I'll get another HTC model.