Thanks, I would like to take all the credit, but I was just the assistant, my dad did most of the carpentry, I just did the painting and holding.
Hopefully the chair will be replaced by a nice comfortable one when I get a job and some money, I'm very tempted by one of those expensive roller ones, just my no money doesn't stretch that far...
As for airflow, that's a question I don't have the answer to, there will really only the gap around the case when it is fully completed, and even now it feels a little warm. I think i'll either cut a couple of large holes in the side of the ajoining wall (piece of MDF into the cupboard) and maybe even add a fan, or change the airflow so it goes back to front instead of front to back. It's also going to be a pain in the **** adding or removig cables too, the bookshelf has been designed to come out, giving access to the back, however it wold need all the books removing and it's not particularly easy to take out. Looks nice though...
Yep, it's a beautiful case, although its noise reducing attribute is questionable (I had a P150 before, which was a lot quieter), however it's not noisy at all. If the X2000 was smaller I would have snapped that up in a heartbeat.