*** Desk and Room Gallery***

"We built this desky,
We built this desky no rock no roll.. "

What do you think? I'm loving it, loads of space now and the adjustable height is perfect.




Sharing my favourite framed Escher above desk.

I am thinking about getting that monitor, any thoughts? please
My current desk although to be honest i want to get a new desk because this one doesn't fit well into places i.e. corners plus i want something something with a bit of storage.

(Pic taken with my phone as my camera wouldn't work)

I do have one monitor on some magazine just because the other is a bit higher.
I am thinking about getting that monitor, any thoughts? please

I think it's a great monitor. How it compares to others I don't know, but I think it has superb picture quality and colours.


Looks very smart, anyone know what it's like to use, especially in daylight as it looks very dark?


Yeah, dead easy to see in daylight, as easy to see as a normal keyboard, apart from some of the symbols above the 1 to 0 keys, they're not as well lit as they should be, but it can vary on each keyboard.
Took me a few minutes to adjust to the laptop type low profile keys, but I like them. However, it's easier to make typing mistakes on these keys because of the flatness, I'm still adjusting. I certainly recommend the lycosa. And the keys are velvety with a thin rubber coating. Don't get the mirror edition, unless you like cleaning fingerprints off a lot. ;)
I just finished the rough draft of the "VOoDOo Antec skeleton mod" so I figured i would show a before and after pics

this was before with an old acer as my htpc


and now with the skelly nearing completion


and up close for the led effects



couldnt help this one i just love my new mouse

VOoDOo don't know how you play with keyboard and mouse when the table is so low, but it looks a AWESOME setup still! very nice.

i sit on the floor about 8 feet back, with one of those pillows that help you sit up with the pillow arms and just play like that, because the cabinet is so low im not craning my neck or anything


Nice:), wish my stepup was a good as that!

With he specs in your sig your not far off at all. thank you! let truth be known, I do a lot worse at all games on the big screen but im getting better, i think it has something to do with the screen being so big that i almost have to move my head around just to scan my sector!
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i would crack mine open and tell you what leds you need to buy to replace them, but i would probably give you the wrong size and 2 i would probably break my mouse ='(
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