*** Desk and Room Gallery***

Heres my study/gaming room

Need to sort out these monitors can't decide between getting a dell 27" or a better triple screen set up


You should not be that close to your monitor, I'm glad my desk is nice and wide so I can be at the correct distance. Does it not hurt your eyes being that close?

"Correct distance"?

Do you have a reference for that? ;)

While I wouldn't recommend sitting at nose distance from your screen (if you can't see the whole screen in your field of vision while reading then it's a fail and you probably need your eyes tested) it will have more to do with the dot pitch of your monitor. For example, if you had a 1920x1200 on a 22" you'd have to sit closer than the same res on a 24".

I need to sit closer to my 12" laptop with a high res screen than my 24" desktop display with 1920x1200 res.

Think you both missed the sarcasm there. I dont actually sit that close ha ha. To give you an idea this is the way i had my old setup with multiple monitors.

I didn't comment on your post ;)

Love your set-up. Always prefer a clean look to odd monitors and accessories everywhere.

Thats a relief i thought i was coming across as clinically blind to everyone (saying that i sat with my nose to the monitor) :)
Alas that setup is no more..

I like how close it is to the bed! xD

Also two computers?

And you might have a bit of an issue reaching the race wheel from what I can see ;p


Sadly nearly everything there has been changed since i took this. Only the wheel (in its storage space stuck to the window sill ;)) and keyboard remain. I miss the surround setup but realistically it wasn't getting used enough.
I dont think i will go back to 3 monitors but ill probably end up making another media PC soon
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