My desk as it currently stands -
very nice, but would looks loads better with the side of the case off, if the cables are tidy that is!
very nice, but would looks loads better with the side of the case off, if the cables are tidy that is!
Nice but.. put the PC on the floor lol!
I don't know how people put up with their cases being on my desk, mine is loud enough 1ft off the floor, don't fancy having it in my ear
Oh - Ive never put my case on your desk before either lol
They look like they've been dragged backwards through a hedge by a rabid rottweiler which has then proceeded to have it's dirty way with them. It really is that bad in there
On the plus I am improving it -
Oh - Ive never put my case on your desk before either lol
this doesnt apply to everyone, but if you spend a fair amount of money on a shiny new case, to me you have to show it off! and the desk is the best place for that, even if you are the only one that comes into your room.