Thanks IC3
The chair is a Sparco Sprint, mounted on seat runners:
It has transducers under the seat, mounted to an aluminium plate. This is run via Simvibe software which uses telemtry data from simulation software to provide feedback effects:
A fanatec CSS SQ shifter sit in the detachable shifter pod (extingusher just for show):
The shifter pod also has a transducer for feedback effects:
The pedals are Fanatec Clubsport V2's. These are also mounted on seat runners for adjustability. I built a dead pedal for this as well:
The pedal base also has a transducer fitted:
The sides of the R-Pod have inlays of ribbed rubber, mesh grille and aluminium rods:
LED lighting has been fitted to various places. The tow hook is just for show:
The cutouts for the R-Pod Logo are covered with acrylic:
The wheel is a Fanatec ClubSport CSW with both the Formula and BMW quick release rims:
The PC is a P8P67 Pro with OC'd 2600k processor, 16GB Ram, GTX 680 4GB, Corsair Sata 3 SSD running windows 7.
I have a DSD button box on order which will be dismantled and fitted to the dash panels:
Dash panels are to be covered in real carbon fibre:
Today I have made a panel for the lower dash section with an aluminium bar insert:
I'm also in the process of building a unit for the Buttkicker amplifier (which powers the transducers) and the fan (essential for warmer weather).
All this was made using a jigsaw, hand router, power drill, small Black and Decker work bench with the painting and varnishing finished by hand with a foam roller.