*** Desk and Room Gallery***

Do you really REALLY have to quote the image literally directly above when your commenting 3 words?

not really REALLY no. but almost really.

would it had made a difference if i did a whole paragraph?

but honestly, i did realise after i had posted that it wasnt needed however since its been done multiple times in this thread i didnt see the point in editing it.
As you may have noticed the forums have been a lot slower lately. Some of you may have noticed the database errors we're constantly getting. One of the possible reasons for this, is the huge amount of very large threads we have across the forums. So I'm afraid the old thread will be archived.

The original thread can be found here.

The rules.

  • No image quoting
Another IKEA Alex desk. :p

This is a work in progress, I will take more/better photos shortly. Planning to get some larger matching art for the back wall.

Took a bit of a gamble glossing over the wood but I like it.

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Another IKEA Alex desk. :p

This is a work in progress, I will take more/better photos shortly. Planning to get some larger matching art for the back wall.

Took a bit of a gamble glossing over the wood but I like it.


That looks really smart! My worktop has arrived today so I think a trip to Ikea is in order for me at the weekend once the walls are painted.
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