
My first 'desktops' post
This is my first Samurize script, from discovering the little thing Friday. It's a viperz bastardisation but you have to start somewhere; it includes bbcinfo (modified the script to pull Man Utd (i know, theres no accounting for taste) news, weather.2004 with icons and the usual info bars at the top.
I'd like some kind of 'Eve online' info but I'll hold off writing something until Char Manager etc are allowed again (anyone done anything aleady?). Btw, the 'shadowness' background, whilst not my first choice seems to work pretty well with it.

I'm still pretty new and apart from msstyles and samurise I haven't done any other customising so thoughts on what you see as well as where to go next are welcome.

Originally posted by Blackvault
Dru what that program called that uses those icons?



I'm using Avedesk in that shot for the icons and for all of the other widgets in that shot :)
Originally posted by <sP@wN>
Hey |Show| two things,

How do you change it back to what it was? Or cant you?

And, how do you put the bar on top?

you can just uninstall it through add/remove programs like anything else!
and i just dragged the taskbar to the top...think u just have to 'unlock' it.
Originally posted by Blackvault
What widgets are they? How do I get Avedesk to run on start up?



To make avedesk run at startup simply double-click the icon in the tray and go to settings, global settings. then click the "other" tab and there's a box to tick.

As for the widgets everything running there is from the Longhorn Alternative GUI Kit.

I can put it up for download but I can't right now as I'm not at home. It would have to be tomorrow.
Originally posted by Dru
To make avedesk run at startup simply double-click the icon in the tray and go to settings, global settings. then click the "other" tab and there's a box to tick.

As for the widgets everything running there is from the Longhorn Alternative GUI Kit.

I can put it up for download but I can't right now as I'm not at home. It would have to be tomorrow.

I don't have that option any where Dru


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