
Hi guys,
first post on OCUK
just wanted to reask a question that was never answered earlier in this thread.

How do you get the text to be blank on the desktop icons, such as My Computer?

Originally posted by dirtydog

Good man!

Here ya go :) [/B]

Thanks DirtyDog! ;)
Originally posted by itsallaboutmark
Hi guys,
first post on OCUK
just wanted to reask a question that was never answered earlier in this thread.

How do you get the text to be blank on the desktop icons, such as My Computer?


Various proggies and tools to us and registry eidters, but the simplest way is to remove all icons (however this leaves recycle bin). I find the absolute simplest way is to right click on the desktop, arrange desktop icons, uncheck show desktop icons
Ahh the other problem I have no discovered is that when I restart my computer that my dock yzdock dissappears... how do i keep it coming back?
Originally posted by Sepheh
Ahh the other problem I have no discovered is that when I restart my computer that my dock yzdock dissappears... how do i keep it coming back?

Just stick a shortcut to it in the startup folder :)
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