
Originally posted by AfroLightening
Dru, how did u get that glass effect? im playing with the glass filter thing but i have no idea how u got it to that, please explain :(

thats no filter work!
thats an oval,semi transparent,with a white to blue-ish gradient over it,then the picture stuck in the middle

i'm only guessing though,
still it's pretty easy :p
Well it's a tad complicated to type in here as I used several layer blending options with a few changes in.

If you have photoshop then I can post the .psd file in here so you have the layer and can dupe it into any work you do with it??
Originally posted by Dru
Well it's a tad complicated to type in here as I used several layer blending options with a few changes in.

If you have photoshop then I can post the .psd file in here so you have the layer and can dupe it into any work you do with it??

Yes please Dru :)
Download the .psd file for that wallpaper


it's got 3 minutes left to upload as i post this

oh and feel free to do as you will it :) i don't make anything good enough to be going around saying it's mine don't use it.


it's done :)
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Originally posted by Sepheh
Question about that YZDock thing... I accidently added 2 extra seperators in, how do I get rid of them? :confused: :confused:

Make sure 'locked add/move/delete item' is unticked first, then hold down ctrl, click on the separator you want to remove and just drag it off the dock :)
Does anyone know how to pin ObjectDock to the desktop?

If I click the show desktop in the quick launch the dock disappears. Is there anyway to keep it visible? However I don't want it showing when I open a folder or go on the Internet etc.
Originally posted by hottiger
Does anyone know how to pin ObjectDock to the desktop?

If I click the show desktop in the quick launch the dock disappears. Is there anyway to keep it visible? However I don't want it showing when I open a folder or go on the Internet etc.

Well, I dont think that is possible. The only solution is to set it to always on top but that means it will get in the way of your Internet browser etc.
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