
Originally posted by Bouncy Ball
Where did you get your icons from mate? I like them!! I am having trouble finding an icon pack that has the Mozilla Firefox icon in it? :confused:

Hey, Ive also been looking for some decent icons for a while, then I found these.
I got them from, Follow the link below, Their called 'Crystal SVG Icon Packager' The first pack.
Ok, I stole a second TFT from my boss at work after convincing her a 17" CRT would be better. So now I have dual display. :D

and here's the desktop to go with it. The mismatched toolbars you don't notice on the monitors.


Link to wallpaper:
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Dru where can the black and white windows explorer flag be found and how do you go about installing it?
Originally posted by Bouncy Ball
I stole that link aswell ;)

Sound completely lame... but what do you do with the files once you extract them?


Yeh, I got it from Dru's post, Thanks mate. Really nice theme.

You have to extract the files in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\

Once you have extracted the files, you can double click on the VS styles and the apearance tab will loads. You have to have either of used file called Uxtheme or something like that or style XP.
Originally posted by SHEF
Dru where can the black and white windows explorer flag be found and how do you go about installing it?

I'm sorry if I sound dumb but which Black and White windows explorer flag???

The odds are it may be part of a theme. If you give me the link to the screeny of where you saw it I'll be able to tell you :)
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