
Can you get the Orbit thing to stay on the desktop as an item rather that having to activate it somehow?

HEre is my current desktop:

Sentinel Beta VS
Alienware Icons
Custom modified Y'z Toolbar
Y'z Shadow


That Orbit dock is nice, the icons used are from Enhanced Labs I believe.

The fact that it disappears once you click on the desktop is annoying though. I also find that when the app is running, you can't open other windows.

I'll maybe start using this dock again once they fix these problems.
Originally posted by stan
Can you get the Orbit thing to stay on the desktop as an item rather that having to activate it somehow?

HEre is my current desktop:

Sentinel Beta VS
Alienware Icons
Custom modified Y'z Toolbar
Y'z Shadow


i had that wallpaper ages ago
Todays screeny. Might keep it for a while actually since I like it.

Still sorting people into groups in my adium-esque setup!

I'm thinking I might setup one of my other email adresses and use it for friends and for you guys if you ever wanna ask me anything :)

anywayz enough babble....the screeny!

{Wallpaper by me}

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