Deteriorating Noise Margin

16 Jul 2004
Just posted this in bulldog's forums - wondered if anyone here may have some advice:

My internet connection has become very bad recently, and Ive just checked my noise margin vales (which were low at 11 dB to start with), and they have dropped to a noise margin of 6.5 to 7dB!!

I have removed the face plate of the main socket in our flat (we only have one) and plugged the router straight into the one inside. The values dont improve :(.
What can be done? Its getting really daft now, its been alright for a year and a half - but now its terrible :( . My speeds have been comparable to 512 for the past few days now, despite being on an 8 meg contract.

What can I expect? Further deterioration? A solution perhaps?
I just got connected & have a dg384gt .32 bios
My noise level is 55db and varience is 9db & I am connecting at 3.5mbits / downloading >300kb/sec.
I should be getting 12.5mbits on adsl2 & am currently in a process of uko checking my line at the exchange due to the noise being >45db
i've got bulldog 8mb and i'm synced at the max my s/n ratio is now at 6-7 it used to be 10-11, and doesnt make a difference to the speed i download at. but you could be getting lots of errors
Connection Speed 3424 kbps 766 kbps
Line Attenuation 55.0 db 33.8 db
Noise Margin 11.0 db 9.9 db

It seams to vary but getting no errors that I know of.
uko maybe messing with my line at the moment as they say they will line check me as I am too noisy for 12.5mbits as promised, doh.

What figures are other people getting on adsl1 or 2
I'm synched at 3Mbs and get a lot of errors :S

Fast Path CRC Error
near end: 26806 <-- going up by about 50 a second
far end: 12

Fast Path HEC Error
near end: 4938
far end: 4938
both going up by 10ish a second

that mean anything to anyone? Thats from this morning.

LOL a speedtest gave my downstream connection as slower than my upstream :( I'm slowly reverting back to 56kps modem speeds. NOOOOOOOOO
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Pickers said:
I'm synched at 3Mbs and get a lot of errors :S

Fast Path CRC Error
near end: 26806 <-- going up by about 50 a second
far end: 12

Fast Path HEC Error
near end: 4938
far end: 4938
both going up by 10ish a second

that mean anything to anyone? Thats from this morning.

LOL a speedtest gave my downstream connection as slower than my upstream :( I'm slowly reverting back to 56kps modem speeds. NOOOOOOOOO

Can you not phone Bulldog up, and ask them to switch you over to interleaved instead of fastpath? This should give you a more stable connection (but with slightly higher pings).
Turning up the target SNR would have a similar effect (less errors, more stability, reduced sync rate), and it's claimed they're willing to do that.
Usual master socket script wouldn't be amiss either.
I spoke to them this morning, and they said they would make some changes to hopefully make the line more stable. Not noticed anything yet, noise margin still the same and the errors are still racking up just the same. Dont know when they were perform these changes - I was under the impression it was fairly immediate :confused:
tolien said:
It's straight line, so not particularly useful.
Time will tell when Bullfrog can be bothered making changes.
True, but it will still give a general idea. If it says hes a k or two from the exchange, it obvious he's going to have problems, if he's right next door to it, something else is causing foul play, and could potentially be sorted.
Phnom_Penh said:
True, but it will still give a general idea. If it says hes a k or two from the exchange, it obvious he's going to have problems, if he's right next door to it, something else is causing foul play, and could potentially be sorted.

If it says he's next to the exchange, the loop length could still be a couple of km, so you aren't really learning a lot :p

The rest of the stats (attenuation for a start) would be a much better measure.
Phnom_Penh said:
True, but the point still stands if it says he's 1 or more K from the exchange ;).

Could be another umpteen km on top of that though ;)

At 1.4km, you'd expect an attenuation of about 10-20dB. Is it that?
Up Stream 576 (Kbps.)
Down Stream 2720 (Kbps.)

Noise Margin:
16 dB Up
7 dB Down

Output Power:
11 dBm Up
20 dBm Down

28.5 dB Up
46 dB Down

Indicator Name | Near End Indicator | Far End Indicator
Fast Path CRC Error | 13356 | 0
Fast Path HEC Error | 2496 | 2496

Received Superframes Fast 117892
Transmitted Superframes Fast 18678
46dB would seem to imply somewhere in the realms of 5km of cable, assuming it's ordinary copper with no dodgy joints etc.
First path should be getting Bulldog to up the target SNR margin (if that's not what they're doing), then take it from there.
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