Deteriorating Noise Margin

Improve noise ratio?

Decrease the amount of bandwidth is the answer.

I'm on bulldog and my download stream noise ratio is 7db. Before I upgraded to @ctive 8Mbit my noise margin was 21db.

I'm trying to get bulldog to decrease the connection speed to approx 6Mbit.

I really hope this improves the figures otherwise I shall keep expecting random ADSL de-sync's.
Hey guys,

I’m noticing an improved SNR at night?

I’m now 12dB, whereas all day I’ve been 8dB :rolleyes:

Also, I highly recommend the Netgear DG834G for NO SWEARING!! or long BT lines!

It’s great – I’ve noticed a big improvement in speed too? 100Kb/s plus downloading as opposed to anything from 20Kb/s-100Kb/s with my old D-Link (Speed readings from Adslguide).

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