Deteriorating Noise Margin

tolien said:
46dB would seem to imply somewhere in the realms of 5km of cable, assuming it's ordinary copper with no dodgy joints etc.
First path should be getting Bulldog to up the target SNR margin (if that's not what they're doing), then take it from there.
I believe thats what the guy said they would do. Though so far nothing has changed... dunno how long before they will fiddle with that kinda thing :confused:
i had same problem 2 weeks ago, SNR drop below 10db at night and get disconnect every 10 mins

phoned bulldog and asked them to increase the SNR, no better,

turned out it was the front panel of master socket, working perfectly on TEST socket, i'm 1.6KM from my local exchange (sam knows)

my line stats -


your high SNR value is the problem, ask them to cap you at 2MB, dunno if they could do this.

see if u do the "2 wires trick" to improve SNR, cant remember the url :(
juno_first said:
How can you find how far your phone cable is from the exchange on sam knows.

Availability checker -> Enter phone number... -> BT ADSL.

Ring wire, fairly unsurprisingly, provides the ringing current for your phones. Filters and some phones generate the current themselves, and the ring wire can prove a problem.
juno_first said:
I got my micro filter plugged directly into the only phone socket with no dangly wire so the ring wire should not be much an issue in my case ?
Having a filter can generate the ringing signal with no ring wire installed, the ring wire can act as a big aerial and introduce noise onto the circuit. Try disconnecting it, you may gain up to 10db.

Hmm you only have one phone socket? Then I dont think there will be a ring wire.
juno_first said:
I just tried connecting my dg834gt v32 by 2 wire phone lead & has connected 3.6 where normally 3.3.
I should be on 12.5 say uko & my upload is good but never had >4mbits.

your with UKO?
PiKe said:
Find your ringer wire and disconnect the bugger, that should help :)
Hey guys,

I've got on-going SNR problems (I'm currently at 9dB but I can go as low as 4dB on a 1 MB connection) I'd like to try disconnecting my ringer wire if it improves things even slightly :)

At what point to you disconnect it thought? Do you start at the master socket etc? Also, which wire is it? Orange/White band...?


PiKe said:
Disconnect it from the master and any slave sockets. It's the orange/white wire.
Cheers mate - I'll give that a try :)

Thinking about it though, if the wire is disconnected from the actual master, then it won't need to be disconnected from any subsequent extensions will it?

Just a thought, please correct me if I'm wrong :p


I just opened up my master socket and...

So only two wires connected? What does that mean :confused:

As you can see though theres a load more cable bundled behind the face plate, I suppose I should have looked there too as well :rolleyes:

Any thoughts?


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