Deus Ex: Revision

31 May 2009
A complete overhaul of the original classic, 15 years on, available as free DLC on steam to those who own the game.

having messed about previously with apparent GFX updates and various bits and bobs for deus ex, I am very keen to see how this becomes implemented, and if it will be a success.
Downloading as we speak.
I've mixed feelings about it - on the one hand it REALLY fleshes out some areas keeping fairly true to the spirit of the original (which is quite an accomplishment in the days where most devs have a hard on for style over substance and gimmicks) on the other hand it drives home how old the base geometry in the game really is which kind of breaks the immersion.

Revision redone with the graphical power of the UE4 engine while retaining the original style would be utterly awesome.
Ah having such great memories from playing this, should I risk playing this mod only to be disappointed.

Hard to resist though but I will wait for other peoples thoughts on it.
Grabbed it yesterday and spent 2 hours on the first stage alone exploring and playing non lethal on realistic mode. Ton of fun. Beats playing anything else right now for me.

Nice soundtrack and I enjoy the changes made so far :)
I've mixed feelings about it - on the one hand it REALLY fleshes out some areas keeping fairly true to the spirit of the original (which is quite an accomplishment in the days where most devs have a hard on for style over substance and gimmicks) on the other hand it drives home how old the base geometry in the game really is which kind of breaks the immersion.

Revision redone with the graphical power of the UE4 engine while retaining the original style would be utterly awesome.

Yeah I looked at it and concluded I couldn't see the point. Seems a bit strange to go to all that effort whilst leaving the ancient engine alone. I don't think it will change the experience enough for me to replay it (again).
I've not played this in years, but it popped up yesterday on Steam. I'll have to give it a bash. Always fancied trying a full non-lethal playthrough.
started playing this again, but its nowhere near as good as I thought it would be.
Far to linear experience and many forced situations like when you exit subway and are surrounded by german and the only option is to die.
Also the AI is not so impressive.
But the story is top notch.
Yeah it's very dark, had to turn the brightness up a few notches. It's still fantastic as well and the changes have brought new life to the game. New York looks fantastic. Just got to Hong Kong.
Yeah it's very dark, had to turn the brightness up a few notches. It's still fantastic as well and the changes have brought new life to the game. New York looks fantastic. Just got to Hong Kong.

Nearly at Hong Kong myself, took ages due to playing non lethal. Takes me at least double if not more time compared to going in guns blazing. Did not want to kill any nsf soldiers, will kill the rest though.

I also found it dark, but I think that was intended to get you to use flash light and flare, otherwise they are hardly ever used. Was close to changing it, but left it alone.
I have thought about trying this in the past, but I have so many good memories from the original layout of the game, that I'm a bit set in my ways with regards to playing the game as I remember.
I have thought about trying this in the past, but I have so many good memories from the original layout of the game, that I'm a bit set in my ways with regards to playing the game as I remember.

But it does not matter, you completed the game in the past it's done with, try the mod, it's only a game not world war 3.
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