But it does not matter, you completed the game in the past it's done with, try the mod, it's only a game not world war 3.
Far to linear experience
Erm. I think you are playing it wrong. Or playing the wrong game.
So I have this on disc (old skool I know) am I entitled to this upgrade?
Same here. I still have the big box, disc and manuals that I bought on day of release.
I'm in two minds about this - if they went to all the trouble with the graphics, why not put in a bit more effort to shift it onto an updated engine?
Makles me think a bit about HL vs Half Life Source - it was a worthy upgrade.
I played through the original again only a couple of years ago, so in two minds about whether this 'upgrade' is worth it!
For those with only a boxed copy, the game of the year edition is on sale for 99p for the next 19 hours... doesn't seem that much to ask!
Legal reasons - they don't own the IP so its quite restrictive in terms of what they can get away with importing the pre-existing assets into another engine and also means they can't just make a stand alone Deus Ex game from scratch as they don't have the rights.
Regarding making a Deus Ex game from scratch, could they just not call it something else?