Diablo 3 (Console versions)

I still dabble with Diablo. I've just got my hardcore character up to level 70.

What's the highest paragon level you can get? I started another char too to mess around with, not HC though lol

If anyone hasn't they can add me on PS4 McCuervo :)
I git my 2nd char to 70 today, holding off on destiny tbh im really enjoying this!

Just running normal bounties really fast atm to get some decent gear togeather for torment rifts etc

I really want those wings of valor, they look awesome but dont thing we get them in console :(
What are the bounties where do you get them from ? Only level 21 wizard but proper loving the game ... What's another good character to do once I've maxed the wizard ?
What are the bounties where do you get them from ? Only level 21 wizard but proper loving the game ... What's another good character to do once I've maxed the wizard ?

Once you complete the game it unlocks adventure mode, when you do bounties which is basically 5 bounties per act in the game. You do 5 and you get a wee bonus prize.

You also get shards so you can do rifts, which are just maps where you kill lots of enemies until a boss comes and kill that.
Once you complete the game it unlocks adventure mode, when you do bounties which is basically 5 bounties per act in the game. You do 5 and you get a wee bonus prize.

You also get shards so you can do rifts, which are just maps where you kill lots of enemies until a boss comes and kill that.

Cheers can't wait for that then ! If you use like a full
Set of the same amour/clothes does it actually do anything statistically or is it just for looks ?
Cheers can't wait for that then ! If you use like a full
Set of the same amour/clothes does it actually do anything statistically or is it just for looks ?

Of course, if it's a green set piece it will tell you in the stats what effects it has, set of 2,3,4 obviously 4 gives everything what you get with 2 and 3, plus the extra effects from 4.
wow, finally a 6th maraurders set piece dropped for me :) oh yeah loaded for bear sentrys!
more boom boom boom lol the set looks so cool too. umm would like better set items cos they're all pretty much meh, need more diamonds as usual and money/souls for re-rolls but was a nice jump from comfortable t2 to t4 :)
Can currently solo rifts on master with little to no issue, but torment, not just yet! Trying split farming etc on normal bounties but nothings coming up yet :(, is that the best bet just farm until i can take on T1?
Quite new to this but seem to have accumulated a massive amount of gold. What is there to really spend it on?

spend gold on? gems for re-roling rings/ammys had 80mil eariler now have 600k but 80k more dps on my DH :)

farm kadala for yellow/rare rings/ammys that have bi-fectas (cc,as or chd) then re-roll one of the other 4 (usuaully armor) to get all three, trifecta :)
spend gold on? gems for re-roling rings/ammys had 80mil eariler now have 600k but 80k more dps on my DH :)

farm kadala for yellow/rare rings/ammys that have bi-fectas (cc,as or chd) then re-roll one of the other 4 (usuaully armor) to get all three, trifecta :)

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