** Diablo 4 Thread **

Casual player here, I've put around 30 to 40hrs in D3. Jumped into the ServerSlam weekend to get the Lv20 doge and Early Voyage title rewards. I've reached lv21 but want to know if there's a way to double confirm I've received those two mentioned rewards. Can I set them now somewhere to confirm or do I have to wait until release? I've looked through a few guides but they only mentioned how best to get to lv20 but don't also say "go here, click that, then this to confirm you got these two rewards"
Theres no way to confirm that you have them, I did find out that when you earn the rewards your account is flagged for them, so even if you delete your character you still get the rewards because the account is flagged.
Theres no way to confirm that you have them

Thanks for the headsup! Before I saw you reply I did have a good dig around in game but, as expected, came up short.

Anyway, one nice QOL feature in D4 vs D3 (unless I'm missing a setting in D3) is tagging items for junk to streamline the process of bulk selling at a vendor. Very handy!
Having played some more this patch I'll probably start off with a rogue, though I'll definitely want to level a sorc as well.

The rogue was good fun as long as they don't nerf the twisting blades too much, but beyond that, it's also nicely positioned to re-spec for ranged combat with the bow should I feel like a change of pace.
None of the bow builds feel particularly great after this latest patch - damage has been nerfed ; plus you end up in melee range most of the time anyway. Twisted blade build is the cookie cutter build atm. Flurry can be fun, combined with shadow imbuement, or at least it was until the latter got nerfed, too.
Absolutely do Ashava on wt1, the only people doing it on wt2 are those who have nolifed the hell out of it and got all their legendary items with perfectly rolled rares.

My advice for launch is also to start on wt1 regardless, the difficulty spike isn't worth the slight increase to xp per kill. As you can kill things way faster in wt1 so will likely out level anyone in wt2 anyway.
This 100%. At the moment WT2 is almost pointless ; you can kill more efficiently on WT1 and the loot drops aren't any worse. WT2 is an exercise in masochism until you start getting legendary affixes. And even then ....
This 100%. At the moment WT2 is almost pointless ; you can kill more efficiently on WT1 and the loot drops aren't any worse. WT2 is an exercise in masochism until you start getting legendary affixes. And even then ....
We'll be playing WT2 Hardcore from the getgo, everyone sticks in a tenner, person who survives the longest wins the pot :)
None of the bow builds feel particularly great after this latest patch - damage has been nerfed ; plus you end up in melee range most of the time anyway. Twisted blade build is the cookie cutter build atm. Flurry can be fun, combined with shadow imbuement, or at least it was until the latter got nerfed, too.

True I agree bow does seem weaker, but might change with some balance adjustments and later gear, it makes the class more interesting as there are more potential playstyle options.
Killed Ashava earlier, didn't think we were going to make it, but with 20secs left on the clock we got the kill.

I used a rapid fire bow build with the Rogue on WT2, did decent enough damage and was great for clearing groups if you got the order right. Mostly looking forward to the final release, game seems to be in a pretty good place but I was starting to find it a little repetitive, but maybe that's just replaying the same area/content I had not so long ago with the original beta.
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Had an hour playing as a Sorcerer and levelled up to 9 before switching off until launch day. It was the only class I'd not tried before now as I was convinced it was going to be my favourite anyway.

I don't know what it was like before this weekend, but it was ridiculously easy compared to a Barbarian, especially the boss in Icehowl Ruins. I had to check I was on WT2, which I was. It was definitely more fun than playing as a Barbarian.

Not sure which I'll play at launch now. It won't be the Barbarian, but I enjoyed all the others.
Sorc starts to feel a lot weaker to me after level 10 on WT2, the enemies scale up but the damage doesn't feel like it does, it's still fine but it didn't feel OP to me.

Missing proper gearing though.
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Had an hour playing as a Sorcerer and levelled up to 9 before switching off until launch day. It was the only class I'd not tried before now as I was convinced it was going to be my favourite anyway.

I don't know what it was like before this weekend, but it was ridiculously easy compared to a Barbarian, especially the boss in Icehowl Ruins. I had to check I was on WT2, which I was. It was definitely more fun than playing as a Barbarian.

Not sure which I'll play at launch now. It won't be the Barbarian, but I enjoyed all the others.
The early level Sorc was very easy (especially with chain lightning). By the time you got to lvl20, you basically spend your entire time kiting and dodging to avoid death, even with non-elite mobs.
Druid felt pretty good and really fun this time, was just trying the shred build. Pets actually did some good damage with vines being a strong aoe nuke
The early level Sorc was very easy (especially with chain lightning).

I can confirm this. I followed a guide (being a casual as mentioned previously) for a Hydra Lightning Sorcerer and I didn't have to worry about kiting on bosses until Lv18 on WT2 solo. Before that I would just kamikaze in and spam 1,2, 3 and 4 with a bit of space bar every now and then!
Sorc starts to feel a lot weaker to me after level 10 on WT2, the enemies scale up but the damage doesn't feel like it does, it's still fine but it didn't feel OP to me.

Missing proper gearing though.
Same. I spent a lot of time playing sorceror in all three betas. Right now, damage is passable with some of the skills eg. fireball, fire wall, blizzard & charged bolt. But there are issues : cold damage doesn't freeze or chill bosses, lightning based stuns don't affect bosses, skills that are D.O.T eg. blizzard don't have any scaling mechanics. So, the main problem going forward playing as a sorceror is poor crowd control/defense especially against dungeon/world event/world bosses. That would be acceptable if damage output is high ie. kill them before they kill you, a.k.a the "glass cannon" philosophy. But that isn't the case. I should add that I did grab class specific aspects from dungeons and imprint them on my equipment, and farm legendaries at Kor Dragan ; even with these legendary affixes the sorceror didn't feel great.

Once again, Rogue felt the strongest class to me, both in DPS and defense ( due to mobility ) ... especially twisted blade/poison imbuement. But it's not a build I enjoy playing. I'd prefer to go with a bow build if I'm playing as a rogue but the damage isn't great versus bosses/elites.
Had an hour playing as a Sorcerer and levelled up to 9 before switching off until launch day. It was the only class I'd not tried before now as I was convinced it was going to be my favourite anyway.

I don't know what it was like before this weekend, but it was ridiculously easy compared to a Barbarian,

This was my experience as well. I tried a second Barb, using Flay .It was interesting how lethal the bleeding damage was: I tended to run in, hit as many enemies as I could once, the dodge/run away again and wait for the timers to expire. Then repeat on those enemies still alive. But it's not my game style - I prefer tanking, which this game does not appreciate. But I tried a sorc and it was stupidly easy: enemies that the barb took down with three hits went down with one hit from the sorc. Then the beta ended.
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