Diablo IV | OT |

Would have been nice if you could have resumed where you left off in the beta. I mean I understand why that is fraught with peril for the devs, but I’m a bit less motivated to retread old ground so soon since the beta.

That’s probably my issue though and maybe a note to myself not to participate in betas in future! :p

I’ve not played any more due to work commitments, but WT2 feels a bit more tricky than the beta, but that’s possibly my faulty memory.

Is there any way you can be offline and truly solo on this? Seeing 10 other players running around in my game is somewhat breaking the immersion.
I like seeing other players around reminds me of my WoW days. Pretty cool that we are all put into realms and instances. It just works.

I’m the opposite. For this type of game I prefer to be able to go offline and do my own thing without the distraction of other players wanting to trade, or join their team, or throwing taunts at me. I just feel it removes me from the game world somehow, and breaks the immersion. It’s kind of like having a film where the plot and storyline is playing out but multiple other characters who are not part of the protagonists story or the wider plot keep running in front of the camera, shouting something, then running off again. Imagine your favourite film scenes being photobombed by randoms. Would they still hold your attention in the same way?

I never did the WoW thing. I spent my days playing iterations of Quake :)
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I’m the opposite. For this type of game I prefer to be able to go offline and do my own thing without the distraction of other players wanting to trade, or join their team, or throwing taunts at me.
I don't know if you know or done it already. But there's an option in the settings you can turn on that hides other players and hides you from them to. Granted it's not offline but it may help :)
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I don't know if you know or done it already. But there's an option in the settings you can turn on that hides other players and hides you from them to. Granted it's not offline but it may help :)

No, I did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. I’d looked over settings to see if I could play offline but couldn’t see anything. Didn’t notice anything that said I could hide other players but I will definitely check again next time I play.

Im bombed out at work at the moment and doing long hours so not had time to play much at all.

Not even managed to get as far as I did the beta yet! Lol. *grumble, grumble*
Started a Barbarian build, really enjoying this and my first Diablo game, looks really nice and the cut scenes were a nice surprise too :D

I cant see how to swap weapons though, I have this massive hammer but cant seem to find how to switch to it? What am I missing or is it something that gets 'unlocked' via the story?
Sadly, I’m not sure I will be seeing this through. Not being able to play offline and pause the game to come back to whenever I want is already becoming tiresome. It’s making me not want to play because of the progress I keep losing by having to go off and do something else part way through a dungeon or quest.

Shame really as it’s quite enjoyable but every type of “forced online” game like this has gathered dust in my collection because I just can’t commit the time it needs in order to get the most out of it.

I need to be able to play a little, pause and come back later. It might be a week between sessions or only an hour. Pretty much going to be a deal breaker I think :(
Started a Barbarian build, really enjoying this and my first Diablo game, looks really nice and the cut scenes were a nice surprise too :D

I cant see how to swap weapons though, I have this massive hammer but cant seem to find how to switch to it? What am I missing or is it something that gets 'unlocked' via the story?
The game swaps your weapon for you depending on the skill you're using. This applies only to the barbarian class which carries an arsenal of weapons.
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The game swaps your weapon for you depending on the skill you're using. This applies only to the barbarian class which carries an arsenal of weapons.
took me ages to realise this. Could see that I had one handers and a two hander equipped and thought there must be a way to change it, only by accident when I used a new talent did I click
I'm finding my interest waning in this, really loved the first few hours but then I just began finding it incredibly slow and dull and lacking anything to keep me going, the enemies scale which doesn't seem to make me feel like I am getting any stronger and just spamming the same buttons, not even finding the story engaging all seems very generic :( Side quests also seem very bland
Never really played a diablo before....but can I play diablo 4 fully solo and still have a good time??

Not interested in teaming up with people online atm!
Anyone on xbox having crashes and freezes? I'm on PC but 2 of my xbox friends are having a lot of lock ups and dashboarding.
Had it quite a bit after the last patch. Just freezes. PS5. Nothing for the first week but they must’ve changed something. Not had it for a few days now though. It gets patched a lot. Usually happened when I used the d-pad to teleport. Just hangs.
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