Did your parents buy you a car....?

Think i bought the car(fiesta 1400s) but they paid for the insurance which was 10 years ago now and cost them £641 tpft.....Thank you mum n dad :)
Passed towards the end of last and driving around a cheap Corsa that my parents bought me.

I was all set to buy my own but as they got my sister her first car last year, they said it was only fair that they paid for mine as well. Wasn't going to argue with that! :p

So car purchased for me but all running costs like Tax, MOT, Insurance, petrol, servicing, etc are paid by me.
Parents paid for my driving lessons. I paid for the car, tax, insurance, fuel, maintenance etc just before going uni using my part time job savings. Parents paid for my 3rd year tax & insurance as a bday present but otherwise it's all been paid my way. They however gave my sister their old car for nothing and pay everything for her as she has no concept of money/savings management :rolleyes: .
My parents paid for my driving lessons - mostly because they were sick of driving us places ;)

I didn't get bought a car as such, but I did get the old Polo when my mum got her new car. It was worth maybe a £100 at the time but as I was starting a new job, needed to drive there and didn't have any money it was much appreciated!
Nope....1st car when I was 18 was a 1977 Fiesta 1.1 & cost me £300 if I remember correctly.

Insurance was more than the car :eek:

Still loved it though :D
Kind of.

My grandad went into a care home following some health problems. The doc's told him that whilst he might be able to return home, he wouldn't be able to drive again. I was 16 at the time and he said that the car was there when I wanted it. Unfortunately it sat in a garage covered in salt for about 18 months which didn't exactly do it much good but it got me from a to b so I was greatful for that.

My parents insisted on paying my insurance (a whacking £1200 IIRC), I was insistant that I should pay it. I think we settled on a 50/50 split and they would cover my road tax.
My parents never bought me a car.

I saved up £250 working in an Art Store while at College to buy my first car. A Vauxhall Astra with 1 years MOT and 6 months Tax for 250 bucks isn't bad.
Had to insure myself from day one, and also paid for all my own lessons before that too.

Go me :p
New Cars: No.
Second Hand: Yes.

My mum's already offered to buy me a second hand car when I pass.

I wouldn't expect her to spend thousands though, just a few hundred.
No I paid for my car, lessons, insurance and covered all running costs used all my own money no trust funds or savings accounts either. I fully earned the right to drive.

But if they offered I would have bit their hands off
My Mum gave me her knackered Suzuki GS125 because it was going to be scrapped otherwise. I spent lots of effort and little bits of money getting it up to scratch.

When it came to sell it, as the bike was strictly speaking still hers, we decided that whatever money raised from the sale I could have towards a car seeing as I'd done all the work on the bike.

We got £325 for it and I spent it on a heap of crap, rotten to the core Mk3 Escort, which I loved :D
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