Did your parents buy you a car....?

No, but my dad let me use his when I first passed my test. Was a G reg 1.3 Golf. Great car, really loved the thing. He took the train to work (no parking in town), so he used to let me take it to school (picked it up at the station in the morning). He was a legend.
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astralcars said:
My parents paid for my 330. .


Now thats a bit.. lucky. My parents arguement was that they'd help me get on the road for the first time with a cheap car. After that, if I wanted to upgrade, it was up to me. I think this is quite fair, but parents buying their kids 330's just doesn't sit right to me.
astralcars said:
My parents paid for my 330. I didn’t ask or expect them to bankroll a car purchase, but they offered. They’re not so foolhardy as to throw away money that is central to their current and future needs and I’m sure they don’t doubt my appreciation for their efforts. I could have declined but having known them for 22 years, I know that such a gesture wouldn’t have increased their respect for me.

If it’s no skin off their back, what is gained by saying no? Greater respect for money and greater independence are certainly possibilities. However it’s not obvious to me how acceptance of a high valued gift implies lack of respect for money. That would be the result of throwing money at a child irrespective of how they manage it and irrespective of their general behaviour. Nor is it clear why being able to say “I obtained everything I own without the help of family” should be everyone’s ultimate aim. If family is willing and able to provide something your current circumstances don’t permit, without causing any real inconvenience, only an exaggerated sense of pride would lead one to go it alone.

You are very lucky young man! and Your parents are very kind ;)
Gibbo said:
Hi there

My parents paid for my first six driving lessons as a birthday present. From that point I was on my own. My first car was £1400 and it was a Peugeot 1.4 XS.

That was my first car as well. Close ratio gear box, 0-60 in 9 seconds and absolutely no sound proofing. Once drove from Nottingham to Portsmouth in it and had to have the radio so loud to drown out the stupid RPM the close ratio box did on the motorway that I was partially deaf for about an hour after getting there! :D

The car was paid for by a combination of working, student loan and a small amount of money from my Nan.

That was the only money I ever had off a relative for a car, my parents didn't give me any money towards buying them, insurance or running cost. Although, my Dad did help me change brake pads etc.

My Pug 205 XS was treated with a lot of care and I strongly believe that was down to the fact that virtually all my money (and the student loans companies money) was in it. If my parents had bought it for me (as they could have) I don't think I would have valued it as much.
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Edinho said:
Good to see someone has the same philosophy as me. I'll put a roof over your head, feed you, and all the other parenting stuff. If you want a car pay for it yourself.
Hmm, surely market-rate rent & bills/kicking them out from the age of 16 is the only way to be sure your child isn't spoilt?
I needed a car to get me to uni, but I had to pay for it myself by working at weekends and nights. My first car is still my car now and I really look after it and appreciate it, although it's my nature that I think I would look after it even if my parents had paid.
My parents didn't buy me a car, but did/do pay the insurance for me to drive my mums as a named driver (since she drives it more than me or my sister, thats okay, before anyone starts).
My parents bought my first car, fiesta 1.1 i paid for the runnings they also paid for the insurance.

My second car 306, parents bought but I pay for the runnings again, they paid for the insurance.

Im still a poor student, but finish this year so will have to pay for insurance myself.
Elitejungalist said:
My parents bought my first car, fiesta 1.1 i paid for the runnings they also paid for the insurance.

My second car 306, parents bought but I pay for the runnings again, they paid for the insurance.

Im still a poor student, but finish this year so will have to pay for insurance myself.
Insurance is part of the running costs in my book :)
Paid for everything myself Lessons (except 5 for a birthday present), my tests for my car my insurance my mot my tax and all the service and repair costs it cost me a lot being a student but i feel far better knowing its all mine.

This is what I would called one spoilt brat (actually I would use worse, but family forum and all that).

My parents never bought me a car. The old man lent me some dosh, which was paid off in full. This was because I could only afford the cheaper cars, and they all died on me (I had spent approx 3k of my own money on 'em) and I needed it for work. I didn't bike it because I worked in a restaurant, and do you REALLY want your waiter to stink of BO? I didn't use the bus because (surprise surprise) they never ran on time, and weren'yt running when I finished work. I didn't walk because I wouldn't have had time to get from college to work (5 days a week at college, 6 shifts a week at work) finish college at 4, start work at 5 - about a 30 min drive between them). So IMO, if they need it, giving your kids a helping hand does not spoil them.
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