Did your parents show favourism when you were a kid?

8 Mar 2005
holly35 said:
yeah im doing a btec coursenow which im getting distinctions at (none of this a b or c rubbish!) but now cos its not a 5 day a week course (its full time but only 3 days a week) she doesnt think its as hard as my a levels and has been telling me i need to get a full time job, when i already work 2 jobs, and she wants me to move out as soon as i can cos i dont do anything :confused: even though i clean the house up etc i think shes having abit of a break down though, shes gone really obsesssivley cleaning recently, and this morning cos i woke her up at 2 by going to the loo (she can hear a pin drop) she stormed into my room and said she was going to wake me up at 6am to do housework...which she did :(

sorry went on abit there, but needed to vent x

Very similar to my mum last year

I was at college all day, 5 days a week and then worked all weekend. All this aswell as revison and homework gave me very little free time. My mum no longer works and has all the free time in the world and my little brother gets away with doing nothing.

This didn't stop her having a "breakdown" and blaiming it all on me for not helping around the house.

I have a very fragile relationship with my mum atm. She likes to play mind games and I've slowly come to realise that she is actually rather selfish (although she doesn't seem to realize this). Her latest trick is to clean the house up before I get home from uni and as the house gets messy again (with stuff thats not even mine) she will start to blaim it on me. She also likes to control my life. She has asked me no less than 30 times this week, what day am I going back to work so "she can get organised"

"organised" for what? I never do anything that effects her anyway?
Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Aye I've not really been on the fair end of favoritism either. My sister's older than me (10 years), and well she's a sister and i'm the younger brother. Even now she still gets offered crap on a plate whereas i'm used to buying it all myself.

Just remember to rub it in when you do succeed. I know I shouldn't really say it, but it has helped me in the past...



26 Jun 2005
Rich_L said:
Remember as well that you can get up to all sorts of antics while she's got her eye on her darling younger child ;)

Update on this quote.

My brother finds out what ive been doing from my by listening in to conversations or he just hears or sees something and he goes tells all to mum even if its months down the line :mad:

Her latest trick is to clean the house up before I get home from uni and as the house gets messy again (with stuff thats not even mine) she will start to blaim it on me.

Mine does that to :mad: :(
Even if the mess is in a room that i hadnt even been in
9 Jan 2003
Zip said:
Update on this quote.

My brother finds out what ive been doing from my by listening in to conversations or he just hears or sees something and he goes tells all to mum even if its months down the line :mad:

Mine does that to :mad: :(
Even if the mess is in a room that i hadnt even been in

nuke her from orbit, in the overys with mustard?
21 Jan 2005
OcUK country
what an apt thread considering my current predicament with my parents. Mine have always preferred my younger sister, even though they had to run around after her all the time (she is now 29 and they have moved to France and they still need to run around after her all the time).

Since leaving home and going to University I asked them for one thing and that was denied. However, I just let it go, I have never been clingy and Im glad that I learnt from a young age about being independant.

Given recent events with my parents they may find that they never get to speak to me or any member of my immediate family again. :mad:

I swear, one more use of emotional blackmail on me and ... :mad:
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