
7 Dec 2008
Scottish Borders
Has anyone used digitalrev before, and how'd you go with them? In the market for a super wide zoom and my choice centres around either a brand new one imported by digitalrev, or a "mint" but used version coming from MPB. The new one is actually slightly cheaper, hence the temptation.

Main concerns aren't with the company themselves as I fully trust them (have been watching thier youtube series for a long time), but more with delivery times, and the possibility of paying import duty:confused:
Not sure if we're allowed to discuss them here as there's been issues with that before!
Why would discussing an online store that's not a direct competitor not be allowed?

OP if you need something in a super hurry then you're best buying from the UK.

You may or may not get charged duty. When you talk to digital rev on their site, they say the price you see is what you pay and they sort out any duty owing. Their terms and conditions though do say that the buy is liable, so it's always best to ask them first.
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Why would discussing an online store that's not a direct competitor not be allowed?

Let's not beat around the bush, I'll get right to it.

1 - they are legit, their products are real
2 - all sent via UPS and you get it in about 2 days
3 - they often put inaccurate item description on custom label

People have issues with no.3, because the end result is meaning you don't get VAT and duty charges, and then things like "you are breaking the law" get thrown around. I can't see how as a consumer we can control what the retailer writes on a piece of paper half way round the world and if they still do this practice. They used to refund you VAT and duty charges, they don't anymore.

My advice, when buying online, use a credit card and budget for inclusive of VAT and duty, if it goes through unscathed then your lucky day. If you get ripped off then that's what credit card is for.
Let's not beat around the bush, I'll get right to it.

1 - they are legit, their products are real
2 - all sent via UPS and you get it in about 2 days
3 - they often put inaccurate item description on custom label

People have issues with no.3, because the end result is meaning you don't get VAT and duty charges, and then things like "you are breaking the law" get thrown around. I can't see how as a consumer we can control what the retailer writes on a piece of paper half way round the world and if they still do this practice. They used to refund you VAT and duty charges, they don't anymore.

My advice, when buying online, use a credit card and budget for inclusive of VAT and duty, if it goes through unscathed then your lucky day. If you get ripped off then that's what credit card is for.

Digitalrev break the law by not putting on a correct value.
The customer breaks the law by not paying the appropriates taxes due. It is your responsibility to pay appropriate VAT and duty regardless of the value declared on the package by the sender. The declared value is used as guidance by the the relevant authorities, that doesn't overide the actual value and taxes due.

Still, as a consumer you can still pay HMRC the taxes and duty after delivery if you want to remain on the right side of the law.

So as long as you are happy breaking the law and notating the taxes you owe, then digitalrev are fine by most accounts, warranty issues aside. Just don't complaint at the likes of Starbucks or amazon for legally reduce their tax when you are illegally not paying any.
Is he wrong?

This forum makes me laugh, so many people quick to jump over everyone they consider beneath them for not paying what they should or claiming benefits until its a £2000 camera or lens. Then it's fine to be a tax dodger.

Each to their own but I always find it odd other sites are not allowed but rev is when they clearly lie about duty. Do they still refund or not?
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He is right, but in the real world. Do you really do the following?

Postman comes, here, sign.

Close the door, realises you didn't pay your VAT...ah crap, grabs car keys, jump into car, chase delivery van with your wallet, beep beep! Stop! You forgot to take my money!

You then find out the postman don't take cash. (Someone will say UPS does but he needs a form from the office).

Then you stand there on the side of some country lane working out tax and duty, but then how much exactly? Are you sure it is exact to the penny? Is this pedalboard (because I am thinking of getting one made in the US) that made out of wood class as an instrument or furniture…, musical instrument carries a duty rate range from 0% to which one is it? Ah crap, he also has no change and I only have notes....

Then the driver says, call our office...

You go home, called the office, noooo, it's Saturday and it's past 1pm and they are shut. So on Monday you are determined to pay, take a day off to drive to the, this is my parcel, this is my bank statement, see how much it costs? It is made of Walnut in parts, does it make a difference between normal wood and tropical hard wood? Ah, so this is how much money I owe... sure, can I have a form to fill in to pay my VAT and taxes please? What? You don't take cards?

Seriously? Lol

I buy items and I pay my taxes. I try not to chase after people to give them money........if they present me with a bill that I owe, I'd be gladly pay it. I've had my lucky share of Amazon parcels that has correct declared value that got lucky, who hasn't? It goes back 15 years of purchases I really expected to go pay them now? Are you going to go back and pay yours? Do one really call up HMRC after the postman has been and pay the VAT and Duty? Or does one thinks "hmm lucky day" and get on with their lives.

I always budget for the VAT and duty and don't even grumble paying the handling charges anymore. What I don't do is jump on people for buying things online.
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Am I really expected to correctly fill in a tax return after my company gives me a bonus or shares/dividends that are taxable? Do you follow the same mantra then that if they can't take it at source then why should I go to the effort of paying what I owe. Same for child benefit.

No I don't chase the postman, I order from sources where I know I will pay the duty. As I said each to their own but let's not dress this up as anything other than a tax/duty dodge.
Am I really expected to correctly fill in a tax return after my company gives me a bonus or shares/dividends that are taxable? Do you follow the same mantra then that if they can't take it at source then why should I go to the effort of paying what I owe. Same for child benefit.

No I don't chase the postman, I order from sources where I know I will pay the duty. As I said each to their own but let's not dress this up as anything other than a tax/duty dodge.

What about those that label correctly which slipped through the net, if you don't pay that then you are, in your words, a tax dodger.
What about those that label correctly which slipped through the net, if you don't pay that then you are, in your words, a tax dodger.

Of course, it's still your obligation to declare it the same as its your responsibility to check the amount of child benefit you got was right. The same with tax allowance, just because you are getting away with it doesn't absolve you from dodging what you owe.
Of course, it's still your obligation to declare it the same as its your responsibility to check the amount of child benefit you got was right. The same with tax allowance, just because you are getting away with it doesn't absolve you from dodging what you owe.

Yes of course, I am not arguing on that point (I never have, I even said DP is right), but that is academic (he is very good at that) now the question is, in the real world.

Is there anyone out there who has ever got a parcel (declared correctly), slipped through, and then go back to the post office to pay it?

In the real world.

Have you? Or anyone?

Or do you thank your lucky stars and just move on with your lives?
Told you!

Told you what? Do you think I didn't read your nonsense?
Of course someone is going to come a long and tell the truth!

Not paying VAT and duty is illegal, however you want to spin it.
And that is why OCUK doesn't like people a advertising such companies and some of them are filtered, don't know why digitalrev aren't.
He is right, but in the real world. Do you really do the following?

Postman comes, here, sign.

Close the door, realises you didn't pay your VAT...ah crap, grabs car keys, jump into car, chase delivery van with your wallet, beep beep! Stop! You forgot to take my money!

You then find out the postman don't take cash. (Someone will say UPS does but he needs a form from the office).

Then you stand there on the side of some country lane working out tax and duty, but then how much exactly? Are you sure it is exact to the penny? Is this pedalboard (because I am thinking of getting one made in the US) that made out of wood class as an instrument or furniture…, musical instrument carries a duty rate range from 0% to which one is it? Ah crap, he also has no change and I only have notes....

Then the driver says, call our office...

You go home, called the office, noooo, it's Saturday and it's past 1pm and they are shut. So on Monday you are determined to pay, take a day off to drive to the, this is my parcel, this is my bank statement, see how much it costs? It is made of Walnut in parts, does it make a difference between normal wood and tropical hard wood? Ah, so this is how much money I owe... sure, can I have a form to fill in to pay my VAT and taxes please? What? You don't take cards?

Seriously? Lol

I buy items and I pay my taxes. I try not to chase after people to give them money........if they present me with a bill that I owe, I'd be gladly pay it. I've had my lucky share of Amazon parcels that has correct declared value that got lucky, who hasn't? It goes back 15 years of purchases I really expected to go pay them now? Are you going to go back and pay yours? Do one really call up HMRC after the postman has been and pay the VAT and Duty? Or does one thinks "hmm lucky day" and get on with their lives.

I always budget for the VAT and duty and don't even grumble paying the handling charges anymore. What I don't do is jump on people for buying things online.

There is a very simple solution you forgot about. Don't use digitalrev in the first place and you don't have to worry about all this fuss to prevent breaking the law.
I told you that someone will come along and says "you are breaking the law" and you did. Was I wrong?

And I agreed with your points (do I need to say it the third time?) Did you miss the bit where I agreed with you on the legal point?

There is a very simple solution you forgot about. Don't use digitalrev in the first place and you don't have to worry about all this fuss to prevent breaking the law.

What about the bit where you talk about the consumer going back to pay it after delivery?

No doubt you have broken it too and many people every day, however, have you ever gone back to the post office with your parcel just to pay tax on a parcel that slipped through the net with a correct declared value? Do you double check their calculations to make sure they have got it correct to the exact cent and penny so if they missed out on 2p, you can go back and give it to them? Since it is your duty too to pay the VAT and Duty. So you really?

It is one thing to say don't use companies that break the law, it is quite another to call people tax dodgers and tell them they are breaking the law by not going back to the post office to pay VAT and duty on items that they purchase from companies that labelled correctly but HMRC missed it.

Do you practice what you preach?

I pay my VAT and duty, these are just 2 of the many I paid in the past few months.

COD means Cash on Delivery.



However, I am not going to check whether they got it right or not…pay it, move on and enjoy life ! 
Of course I read that you predicted someone to respond to your post. There is nothing prophetic about that!

I've almost never bothered ordering stuff from abroad because it is rarely worth it considering taxes, warranty, customer service, delivery times. The few times I did out of necessity (e.g. Buying RRS Bh-55 head) the the relevant taxes were always charged and paid for. Several times I also arranged a VAT refund by importing an item purchased in the UK into CH, this obviously to my advantage since Swiss VAT is only 7%. So I can honestly say I have never purchased a foreign item and not paid VAT and duty.. Besides, most of my camera equipment is second hand, a great way of avoiding VAT legally.

Regardless, there is an important moral distinction between actively trying to avoid paying taxes, and inadvertently not paying taxes by accident.

TBH, I really don't care about people not paying VAT in situations like this. What I do object to is the same people complain at others that legally minimize their tax exposure or complain that the NHS or education is underfunded. Furthermore, buying imports with illegal tax practices severely harms the ability of UK companies to compete at a fair level. Don't complain at the lack of good UK high street camera stores when you buy from places not expecting to even pay any tax.
In the real world.

Have you? Or anyone?

Or do you thank your lucky stars and just move on with your lives?

No I have never had an issue where duty wasn't paid and don't ever use those sites for anything clothes or otherwise. I did get a 70-200 from kerso and they left it on my doorstep. I could have got a 2nd easily claiming it wasn't delivered but I'm not that kind of person despite everyone telling me to. :D
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