diluiting ethanol to make 10%

10 Sep 2003
i have 96% alcohol (ethanol) and i want to make up a 150 ml solution of 10 % ethanol. I am not good at the maths, please could you let me know how much water i need to add to what quantity of the 96 % ethanol. thanks.
no i am preparing homeopathic medicine at home and the granules need to be added to 150 ml of 10% ethanol. Thanks
15.6ml of ethanol, 134.4ml water?

(or just 15 & 135!)

EDIT: It must be said that I have no clue about actually diluting ethanol, just did the maths...

To get a 10% solution of 96% ethanol you would need 100 / 96 * 10 = 10.416 recurring ml of ethanol. That gives u a 10% solution at 100ml. You can do the rest...
16ml of your ethanol to 134ml of water should do the trick, no?

Or you could just chuck that homeopathic crap in the bin, dilute the ethanol 40:60 water and have a drink with some fruit juice and feel better than that moon medicine will make you feel.
no i am preparing homeopathic medicine at home and the granules need to be added to 150 ml of 10% ethanol. Thanks


I'm thinking there is a link here

inability to do basic maths and an interest/belief in homeopathic medicine....
Questions to homeopaths:
1) How do you undo the dilution effect of water? After all, if it gets stronger after dilution as homeopaths proclaim, what about all this really heavily diluted tap water? How do the water molecules forget the stuff they apparently remembered in the first place?

2) Why do I need repeat perscriptions? Can't I just take some homeopathic substance, then dilute it again to make 10 x the original medicine?
Questions to homeopaths:
1) How do you undo the dilution effect of water? After all, if it gets stronger after dilution as homeopaths proclaim, what about all this really heavily diluted tap water? How do the water molecules forget the stuff they apparently remembered in the first place?

tis a fair point - when it was pointed out that some of the dilutions were to the extent that there wasn't necessarily even a single molecule of the substance left hopeopaths decided that water had a "memory" lol....

When confronted with the idea that if this was true then a drop of sea water should pretty much cure anything known to man I believe that the homeopath couter argument is that the water has to prepared in a special way.....

part of their preperation of thier remidies involve banging the solution in a particular way - don't ask how they supposedly know this or how it came about but apparently this banging process gets rid of the previous 'memory' they claim the water has and imprints it with that of the molecules of whatever they are trying to dilute.

v scientific stuff lol.....

tis quite scary some "universities" - sorry ex-polys out to get funding for whatever courses they can - actually offer 'degrees' in the subject.
1) How do you undo the dilution effect of water? After all, if it gets stronger after dilution as homeopaths proclaim, what about all this really heavily diluted tap water? How do the water molecules forget the stuff they apparently remembered in the first place?

They use something called "succussion" to "agitate" the solutions when they're diluting them, so that they take on the potential of whatever molecules they're trying to get it to remember. The argument is that if it's not been succussed in the past then it won't have remembered everything it's come into contact with. I think they also sometimes say they do that in some particular way to persuade the water to "forget" everything it's come into contact with.

Yeah, it's donkey balls.
They use something called "succussion" to "agitate" the solutions when they're diluting them, so that they take on the potential of whatever molecules they're trying to get it to remember. The argument is that if it's not been succussed in the past then it won't have remembered everything it's come into contact with. I think they also sometimes say they do that in some particular way to persuade the water to "forget" everything it's come into contact with.

Yeah, it's donkey balls.

Big hairy ones, too.
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