diluiting ethanol to make 10%

Erm I more interested in knowing what the remaining 4% of the ethanol is.:eek:

It's water, 96% is the highest concentration of ethanol achieveable with standard distillation. What concerns me is the fact that someone is asking a forum to perform calculations about drugs to be used by humans, a miscalculation could be fatal. When using pure forms of drugs with a narrow theraputic index like ethanol and GHB all too often people end up in hospital due to miscalculations when performing dilution.
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It's water, 96% is the highest concentration of ethanol achieveable with standard distillation. What concerns me is the fact that someone is asking a forum to perform calculations about drugs, a miscalculation could be fatal.

Imagine the effects, of a 30C dilution of caffine vs. a 31C dilution! The patient might just stay awake!? OR fall asleep? Who knows? Whatever it is, it'll fit the symptoms of a homeopathic overdose.

Forgive me, I've had too many homeopathic lagers.
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