Dimitar Berbatov set to leave Manchester United, is Welbeck really a better option?

4 Sep 2008
i was under the impression that tevez would have stayed but clearly fergie was never going to keep him as he demonstrated by purchasing berba for 30 mill . we were never going to spend that again just a year later!

Without taking this off topic, Tevez was never going to stay. My understanding was United had met all of their conditions but Tevez moved to earn more money.

I think Berbatov is a marvellous footballer, I'm unsure why he's not played so many games this season considering his form and impact last season.

I guess it's because Sir Alex is clearly wanting a pacey forward line up that can move the play quickly. While I think that pace is a huge factor in this, a thinking player like Berbatov can often make up for this lack of out right pace with his movement and runs.
6 Jun 2005
...... then how could he ever be their best striker statistically if he's never given a chance.

He was given three years to prove himself, and did reasonably well in one of those (two of those years without Welbeck or Hernandez on the scene), how do you come to the conclusion this isnt giving him enough time to prove himself?

Even in his successful season there were many games where he did absolutely nothing - I think this proves why he cant be relied upon at this kind of level as a frist team player (however stunning he played at Spurs)
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
You could say the same about any player though, how about when Rooney didn't score for seven matches? No-one outside of Messi/Ronaldo is that consistent.

I think the difference is with Rooney you know he's always capable of doing something regardless of how poorly he's playing, take the game against Spurs he was woeful and yet without his goal in the first half who knows if we'd of won that game.

Berbatov though needs to be in the mood and in form to get anything out of him
6 Jun 2005
You could say the same about any player though, how about when Rooney didn't score for seven matches? No-one outside of Messi/Ronaldo is that consistent.

when Rooney doesnt score, he usuually provides an assist or three, or is playing in midfield to assist the team in general moving forward.

Very rarely has Berba provided anything like this kind of assistance to the team in defensive/midfield positions
24 Sep 2006
I'm a big Welbeck fan but I don't think his ability is relevant here. The fact is SAF has lost faith in Berba, so be it Welbeck, Chico or even a new striker - Berbatov would not be playing.
Personally, although I enjoy a lot of what he does, I can fully understand why we are not using him. His goal record at the club is average at best, boosted by a number of hat tricks in games we have won by a big margin. However, his record in European matches at the club is terrible, he's almost never turned up for "big matches" (liverpool excluded) and has scored a surprisingly few amount of winners in tight games. In terms of what he brings to the team outside of goals, he's very hit and miss. One day he is fantastic, the next terrible (usually with some quite negative body language and general lack of effort to get into goal scoring positions). In addition, he offers next to nothing as a sub - he won't lift the team or the crowd nor does his record suggest he's likely to grab us a winner. So this has limited his worth to the squad.
Ultimately, he was probably the wrong signing for us. We like to move the ball quickly and get numbers into the box. This isn't him. Still, I feel he could have shown a greater desirer at times.
My only real complaint in him leaving is the timing. It's not helped him or the club to have kept him around doing nothing for so long.
24 May 2009
North East
I like Berbatov a lot but I can see why Fergie's is playing Wellbeck because he has potential (IMO) to be a great player for years to come. I expect him to really kick on next season and Fergie's to be proved right.
9 Mar 2006
Tonight was an example of Fergie loving and hating some players. He must be infatuated with Park for him to start and stay on after that showing. And Berbatov? Nowhere to be seen.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Our midfield was literally ripped to bits by the hard pressing, Berbatov would maybe have been able to hold the ball up further up the pitch but he probably wouldn't have got the ball to start with.
9 Mar 2006
No I don't think he would, but I think it's very telling that in a game where we rested the likes of Scholes and took off Rio and Carrick for the weekend...Fergie kept Rooney on and Welbeck came on instead of using Berbatov at all. If Rooney had got injured I'd have been furious.

Plus Berbatov is pretty much the only player that can pass like they were tonight, in fact he'd be a great fit for their side (except the non Basque ness!)
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
Tonight was an example of Fergie loving and hating some players. He must be infatuated with Park for him to start and stay on after that showing. And Berbatov? Nowhere to be seen.


Who exactly other than Park should we have played then? In case you hadn't noticed Nani didn't travel and Valencia wasn't on the bench. Park has started just 9 league games this season, hardly a testament to him still being a Fergie favourite is it?

Your point has nothing to do with Berbatov nor is it even correct with your assumption that Fergie has his favourites and that's why Park started tonight.
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