Everyone says Chinky round here.
Its just slang, get over it.
No it's not, not in itself.
Of course it it. Would you actually call a person of Chinese origin a 'Chinky' to their face. No. Why not? Because it's a racist **** slur, and I would best 99% would be offended by it.
Of course it it. Would you actually call a person of Chinese origin a 'Chinky' to their face. No. Why not? Because it's a racist **** slur, and I would best 99% would be offended by it.
Haha, untwist thy knickers internet pedant.
It's 'chinky' in reference to a chinese take away, not a chinese person. 'Curry' isn't a racial slur against people from places like India is it?
Errr...that's because you'd never describe a person of Indian origin as a 'Curry'. I know it's a Friday, but honestly...
Oh dear, are you having trouble keeping up to the conversation?
Maybe you should just go back to championing political correctness on the internets. Perhaps Germaine Greer will give you a kiss on the cheek
It's not prejudicing in any way, it's just a noun with no derogatory connotations behind it.
Like saying 'brit' instead of british.
Errr...that's because you'd never describe a person of Indian origin as a 'Curry'. I know it's a Friday, but honestly...
I am with the OP with this, we have bread with everything, except mash or sunday roast.
A curry is not the same unless you have some bread with it
and fish finger or even beef burger sandwiches are a basic food group afaik.
I am presently trying to lose some weight, so the first thing i cut out is bread.
Its not unusual for me to eat upto 10 slices of bread with some meals