DiRT 3 now upgraded on steam no GFWL !

Odd just installed mine from scratch on steam and it is asking me to sign into GFWL.

EDIT: Just me being thick, I did not think they would add it twice to my library, so one is GFWL and the other is steamworks.
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Had it in my library ages, never played due to GFWL, will dll this evening. Might make my next week off a little more entertaining.

Ta for the heads up Dg
I enjoyed this game but I'm happy to see that sorry excuse for a game service gfwl finally banished from another game..

Good news code masters , but guess dirt 2 is still gfwl as that IMO was the better game..
opps.. didn't realize there was the dedicated thread.... but I'll paraphrase... just ordered dirt 3 (Thanks for the heads up!!) and using a force feedback wheel. Gonna either be hella fun, or my wife is gonna kill me from all the vibrations lol.

EDIT: LMAO... I am soooo bad with a wheel!! I have to be honest and say that it does not feel natural at all.
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opps.. didn't realize there was the dedicated thread.... but I'll paraphrase... just ordered dirt 3 (Thanks for the heads up!!) and using a force feedback wheel. Gonna either be hella fun, or my wife is gonna kill me from all the vibrations lol.

EDIT: LMAO... I am soooo bad with a wheel!! I have to be honest and say that it does not feel natural at all.

To be fair DiRT 3 is arcadey and imo plays better with a pad rather then a wheel.
To be fair DiRT 3 is arcadey and imo plays better with a pad rather then a wheel.

dirt games work awesome with wheels. you just need to tweak to get how you like it.

when i went from joypad to wheel i shaved of like 10 secs or more on laps.

will be doing some more unlocking later. damn gymkhana :D
I'll have to do some tweaking with the wheel then!

BTW... plays awesome on my 7850K APU :-) Minimum 60FPS according to the benchmark on ultra! (1440x900 res though).
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