Dirty Bomb (from the ppl behind ET)

It's only random if you buy the cases.

Click store -> loadouts and you can choose a specific one.

They are fairly pricey (10-17k ingame credits I think, I've not shopped around much) but if you know which one you want for a merc you are enjoying you can just go in and get it.

They are all 'Bronze' level, which means choice of weapon, 3 mods. The higher tiers (silver, gold, cobalt) just give the exact same bonuses and weapons with a different skin.

Ahh, I see. Don't like the idea of buying loadouts before trying them but hey ho
Had 4 matches this morning before work to finish off a couple of my objectives for extra XP. Randomly got in with a nice group - lots of chat (both in-team and between-teams) without any whining or bitching. two wins and two losses, and I did notice that when a team loses, even if it's really close, loads of people just quit. Weirdly, a lot of people seem to join, see they are on defence, and quit. I would have thought defence is easier for lone wolf types, requiring less coordination that attack.

Completely forgot that there's no 'last x games' review like BF4 so can't look up the nice chatty ones to friend them :(

I do think that medics are super powerful - playing as Sawbonez I often feel quite strongly that I am carrying a push. Maybe that's just ego though.
Not experienced any performance problems at all, the thing seems to run flawlessly for me.

When you get a team that plays the objectives its a gaming fun as it used to be 10/10.
On the flip side if you just get the loan wolf types you end up getting spawn camped and its becomes very very tedious.

Its that good I think i will start looking for a CLAN to play with. I thought this type of gaming was dead :)

Dedi servers as well :)
WTF? I've just logged in to have a few games and my level has been reset to Lv. 1, I was a few hundred XP from Lv. 6 a couple of hours ago.

EDIT: Now I can't even sign into the game. It just sits there on 'signing in' and then throws me out with an error stating that it 'may be down to my internet not being configured correctly'. Well, nothing hass changed in the past two hours or so since I was last playing.

EDIT 2: And I still can't ****ing register on the official site to ask for help.
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It's the constant flood of bunny-hopping retards that are spoiling it for me at the moment. They ought to limit the amount of jumps you can do to three every ten seconds or so.
Thanks to the rain this weekend, manged to knock up 60k in credits and bought Nadar, really effective against Proxi and Aura`s health station.

The Bunny hoping is annoying have to say, best thing I have found is switch to the cricket bat and rush them. Half of them cant aim whilst being bouncy. But then I cant aim normally.

My K/D ratio is shocking i think due to actually trying to fix the EV most of the time.
The bunny hopping is intentional I think - it's supposed to be a fast paced arena shooter type game. I can't stand the halfwits that group up peeking around corners and getting repeatedly grenaded when a good rush could have us to the EV and get it repaired/moving in 10 seconds instead of 2 minutes.

I believe the fatigue system means after 3 jumps you begin to be slowed, so constant bunny hopping actually slows you down, but for small bursts/to throw off someone's aim it's a good idea. Shotguns are quite good if you aren't the best aimer and are jumping - they don't suffer much from aim deviation when jumping, and a double tap of head shots drops most mercs - just don't miss by trying it from too far away.

You can also do a wall jump (double jump using a wall) and a jump-walljump-crouch to gain extra height (e.g. get to the ammo room near objective 1 on trainyard from floor level).

I bought the basic merc pack in the sale yesterday - about £12 I think it was. Has definitely helped a lot as now my roster includes a medic, an ammo/fire support, and an objective specialist (engineer?).

Currently it's Sawbones (throws medic packs instead of a medbot), Kira (she of the orbital laser and ammo station) and Proxy (my only engineer).

I will try out the sniper at some point, but it's hard to work out who I can spare from the roster. Engineer is vital on assault, air support is vital to disable enemy EV's, and medic is just generally super useful.
Yes, its nice way of separating the mercs out being only able to Three into battle.

The Sniper is probably not the most useful, but if you keep up with everyone else and use the enemy beacon ability its great fun, but one per team is more than enough. If you get a crap one (and there are many) you end up losing.

(Bought the merc PAC as well now and I got suckered in buying NADA due to getting rapped by that stupid Mini Gun with Aura and Sawbones healing him. Its given me the urge to find a semi-casual CLAN again for some scrimmages :)

I bought Vassili a while back, but I can't wait to try out Bushwhacker with his turret. Also got a decent loadout card for him too. Rhino should be fun to try too, especially with that minigun.
I'm looking forward to trying Bushwhacker - will be nice to have another engineer on roster.

Tried Vassili last night - lost of kills and quite fun, the motion balls are great, but I was in a pub meaning I was the only one to plant the C4 ever, despite being on a team with 3 proxy players. I can't see keeping him in rotation when he could be a medic/fire support/engineer :(
Oh lawd, why do noobs insist on sniping? We were getting hammered on Chapel spawn and half my team sniping from near spawn. Sniping really badly. Was only me an one other trying to get the EV moving (and this is level 5 + server) :(
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