Disabled couple snooped on and accused of fraud by the DWP

18 Oct 2002
Which will frequently cost far more than supporting them when they aren't forced to work.

It's worth noting that Hawking was only able to work because he was an utter genius who did most of his training and got the reputation needed to enable him to get the funding to continue working, before he was disabled.
Most people will never have that sort of high value output that means it's in any way economical to basically provide a team to let them work.
IIRC Hawking had nurses and assistants including someone who was basically his "chair tech/PA" to enable him to get around and do his work, he was amazing but got a level of assistance that is pretty much unheard of in a country where things like help for the blind of deaf can take months/years to get sorted out, and where you need a good level of personal funding if you are an amputee and need/want a "good" prosthetic that works well for you (and isn't the bare minimum).
I'm not denying that, just that he was able to contribute despite his condition.We all understand that vast numbers couldn't hope to match that level but if they wanted to work then don't stop them
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15 Sep 2006
i have undiagnosed complex ptsd stemming from only getting diagnosed as autistic when i was about 34, i also have congestive heart failure and depression and anxiety and a few other issues.

i am too scared to apply for pip from bad experiences with the whole job center system, they auto assume every one is lying which leaves it too hard for people like me to even consider applying as the stress is astounding :(
18 Oct 2002
i have undiagnosed complex ptsd stemming from only getting diagnosed as autistic when i was about 34, i also have congestive heart failure and depression and anxiety and a few other issues.

i am too scared to apply for pip from bad experiences with the whole job center system, they auto assume every one is lying which leaves it too hard for people like me to even consider applying as the stress is astounding :(
That's the problem, the assumption of people from next to nothing in evidence.

This comes from both mine and my brother-in-laws experiences of the system.
With me I had undiagnosed IBS and was put on the sick from work for about 2 months. I was only getting Statutory Sick Pay so about £9 a day I think but I was earning £15/hr.(dramatic drop in income).My boss thought I was pulling a fast one, so got rid of me with the statement "we need someone here". As I was then unemployed I got either unemployment, income support or both. Still undiagnosed and still being signed off, coming up to the review time I had to go to an interview to continue receiving payments but it was for a different benefit. Now considering it was IBS that was the problem they asked me to do things like touch my toes(totally irrelevant to my condition). Assessment over I'd scored 0 so was put back on unemployment. I just happened to be in that area of being ill enough to not be able to work but well enough to go to work if you get my drift.

The other was loosing my driving license. I was having a routine consultation about my heart condition. My wife mentioned something about my sleep(she thought I would stop breathing while asleep), so immediately the consultant mentioned Sleep Apnea and told DVLA, all without any tests or diagnosis just an assumption on circumstantial evidence. Went in to have a 24hr sleep monitor fitted and it showed that I didn't have it. The nurse fitting said they were annoyed that people were being diagnosed before the testing.then had to fill a form in to tell them about any other ongoing medical problems. You know the type of form that says do you or have you suffered from this or that and gives the options of yes or no. To which I put down what conditions I had. When I got to the section on eye problems it asked if I had Glaucoma to which I answered in the option given as other because although I hadn't got Glaucoma I was being monitored to see if I was developing it.
They immediately came back with "as you have stated that you have Glaucoma, we need you to have further tests". When I phoned them up to explain I was told again "that's what you put down", I said "it wasn't, I had put it in the section for "other" because I was only being monitored". Nope no joy wouldn't even accept the word of the eye consultant from the hospital who was looking at me. I had to go to Spec Savers for a special assessment, which to me just seemed to consist of wearing my glasses to read the chart.
So as you can see they assume before knowing the whole picture.

Sorry about the long post but woke up to wee but can't get back to sleep
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13 Jan 2010
The 'Shire'
The attack on the poor has started. Paper articles appearing more and over the next few months to brainwash the people to thinking it those that are sick which is the problem.

They'll soon push for all the illegals to be rushed through processing and become legal because of the sick!!
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
The attack on the poor has started. Paper articles appearing more and over the next few months to brainwash the people to thinking it those that are sick which is the problem.

It's a torygraph article so paywalled which means i can't read it easily.

Are they seriously suggesting it's somehow got easier/better on benefits in the last couple of years?
And if so does the writer of the article need to be sent back to a nice padded room and put back on his meds?
22 Nov 2005
It's a torygraph article so paywalled which means i can't read it easily.

Are they seriously suggesting it's somehow got easier/better on benefits in the last couple of years?
And if so does the writer of the article need to be sent back to a nice padded room and put back on his meds?
but some journalist probably lived on 80 a week for one week found it easy to eat rice and beans every day and to permanently wear a coat in the house.
so simple to live like that for weeks on end apparently.

Theres probably a tory cookbook on how to eat for £1 a day.
assuming you have a few hundred quid to bulk buy your food and a walk in freezer to store all your bulk cooked meals.
you'll probably have to visit about 20 different supermarkets looking for all the yellow label sticker products, but legs are free.
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18 Oct 2002
but some journalist probably lived on 80 a week for one week found it easy to eat rice and beans every day and to permanently wear a coat in the house.
so simple to live like that for weeks on end apparently.

Theres probably a tory cookbook on how to eat for £1 a day.
assuming you have a few hundred quid to bulk buy your food and a walk in freezer to store all your bulk cooked meals.
you'll probably have to visit about 20 different supermarkets looking for all the yellow label sticker products, but legs are free.
Funnily enough I was talking to bloke yesterday while out walking the dog who had been homeless. He lived in tents in two places near to where I live. He asked for nothing in the area yet he was able to survive on the generosity of those around him. He was given food, haircuts, small gas bottles and the ability to have a wash all from the community. They even raised £2500 which he used to get a step back into life and now lives in the area and is able to give back something.
17 Nov 2003
St Breward Cornwall
i have been unemployed a few months now plus self funding unemployed by choice before that.
my overall impression is that since lockdown people have realised this work for a living lark is overrated and are using every trick in the book to let the state pay for their lifestyle, i am trying to find a certain site i was on where you paid a subscription to find out exactly how to word pip claims and what words to use !!
This is making it hard for the genuine people who need help
btw i lived next to the Shannon Matthews estate in my last house, its not like i have been isolated in a nice area all my life, so saw how producing babies as an income source was the way to go
22 Nov 2005
i am trying to find a certain site i was on where you paid a subscription to find out exactly how to word pip claims and what words to use !!
Anything wrote on those forms is irrelevant, it doesn't matter how you word anything, they don't pay any attention to them.
It's basically evidence they can use against you, and nothing else.

Only what the assessor says at the interview counts and any medical evidence you have to back up your claims.

It's extremely difficult to get PIP.

why do you think disabled people literally kill themselves over it?

She probably just didn't want to work and her only other option was suicide?
She was living on 60 a week for four and a half months due to a DWP series of mistakes btw.

She probably spent all her money on takeaways, cigs and booze

insert British people are lazy mantra here
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22 Nov 2005
I still think the genuine in need are lost in the fog of people trying it on, will try and find that site it has every question with the points needed (more info on subscription)
Citizens advice and loads of other places will do it for free.
The DWP even did home visits helping people fill out the forms at one time, no idea if they still do.

any sites selling info are pretty much a scam,

Only medical evidence from professionals matters

You can tell them what you want, they will ask why you cant do it after.

if you cant cook on a stove because you might burn yourself or leave the stove on then guess what.

you can cook a meal in a microwave is the answer they give.
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18 Oct 2002
Anything wrote on those forms is irrelevant, it doesn't matter how you word anything, they don't pay any attention to them.
It's basically evidence they can use against you, and nothing else.

Only what the assessor says at the interview counts and any medical evidence you have to back up your claims.

It's extremely difficult to get PIP.

why do you think disabled people literally kill themselves over it?

She probably just didn't want to work and her only other option was suicide?
She was living on 60 a week for four and a half months due to a DWP series of mistakes btw.

She probably spent all her money on takeaways, cigs and booze

insert British people are lazy mantra here
The Coroner only pointed the failings in the system, from a quick glance through the article it did seem she had genuine problems, you can't assess how she lived her life just from the article. My wife works in a predominantly mental health hospital and has said a few things over the years.
Yes, there are some that will milk the system and others who are absolutely genuine but you need serious professional training to work with them, not just a half day training session and put on the phone to them.
10 Jul 2018
There are a lot of people scamming the system, I know a girl who claims to have Agoraphobia not be able to leave the house, she appealed and now is on full benefits back dated for 2 1/2 years. Yet shes happy to walk round to her mothers house, also on benefits and to top it off was at Notting hill carnival last year.
21 Jan 2010
The Coroner only pointed the failings in the system, from a quick glance through the article it did seem she had genuine problems, you can't assess how she lived her life just from the article. My wife works in a predominantly mental health hospital and has said a few things over the years.
Yes, there are some that will milk the system and others who are absolutely genuine but you need serious professional training to work with them, not just a half day training session and put on the phone to them.

The Coroner's Prevention of Future Deaths Report is pretty clear there were significant failings at DWP.

Coroner's reports are far clearer than subsequent media reporting, in my experience (don't ask!).

See it here, along with the response.
18 Oct 2002
The Coroner's Prevention of Future Deaths Report is pretty clear there were significant failings at DWP.

Coroner's reports are far clearer than subsequent media reporting, in my experience (don't ask!).

See it here, along with the response.
I know that, the response was about the comment on her lifestyle.
22 Nov 2005
There are a lot of people scamming the system, I know a girl who claims to have Agoraphobia not be able to leave the house, she appealed and now is on full benefits back dated for 2 1/2 years. Yet shes happy to walk round to her mothers house, also on benefits and to top it off was at Notting hill carnival last year.
how can an appeal take 2 and a half years?

You start a claim then wait 4-7 months for an assessment.
lets say mandatory recon takes a month.(it doesn't)
Then say tribunal wait is maybe 6 months max.

Thats like 1.5years believable with the delays in assessing people currently..

2.5 seems like a tall tale.

and I doubt she got anything purely for agoraphobia, theres probably something else they aren't telling you about

at a tribunal she would have to convince 3 people btw and I doubt they are taking anyones word for it.

probably something happened in her past you don't know about because she doesn't want it public.

if she was at a carnival and you have proof report her to the DWP https://www.gov.uk/report-benefit-fraud
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23 Apr 2014
There are a lot of people scamming the system, I know a girl who claims to have Agoraphobia not be able to leave the house, she appealed and now is on full benefits back dated for 2 1/2 years. Yet shes happy to walk round to her mothers house, also on benefits and to top it off was at Notting hill carnival last year.

There’s absolutely zero chance PIP is paying out purely for agoraphobia. It’s best not to make stuff up when discussing these things.
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