Disappointed in the rift

With E: D in particular, if you have spent a large amount of time playing the game at 1080 / 1440 / 4k, then VR is going to be a big disappointment. The picture clarity just cannot compete with 2D games.

You've already mentioned the positives though, sense of scale and immersion.
I Own a DK1, DK2, CV1 and HTC Vive. All 3 Oculus headsets are collecting dust. The Vive gets used nearly every day. My personal opinion is it is the closest to the vision of what true VR should be. Yes there are a few limitations but as it has already been said this is Gen 1 hardware. Gen 2 or 3 will bring us closer I hope. It all depends on the progress in hardware. The things that need improving for me are

1. FOV up to 210 degrees like the StarVR headset.
2. Higher resolution
3. Wireless headset
4. Eye tracking
5. (Vive only) better built in headphones like the Rift.
It's why I'm waiting for Gen 2 hardware to be honest.
You'll be waiting another 2-3 years for it because the technology isn't there yet to support high-resolution, high-FOV screens with the graphical fidelity and frame rates that are required. We either need a step change in GPU capability, or improved rendering algorithms (e.g. foveated rendering) which in turn require a lot of R&D to get to a consumer level.

Gen 1 is flawed in so many ways, but it's the just the first of many stepping stones. Resolution / FOV is just one part of the whole. Decoupling from the PC (either through wireless technologies or compact battery-powered PCs) is another step, as is tackling the issue of motion sickness. Then there's the tracking, input methods and haptic feedback.

You should really only buy into Gen 1 if you know what you're getting into. IMO it's still worth it, as it literally adds a new dimension to gameplay. I don't care if Elite isn't as pin-sharp as it could be; the immersion is what it's about for me. If you don't experience that immersion, I understand that these experiences can be underwhelming.

Got my rift yesterday but its been mostly a huge disappointment.

I bougt it for elite.
First the detail on objects at medium and far distance is extremely poor. Like playing a 640x400 game. Close up its sharp and ok.

Focus is bad. Nothing is really sharp like on a standard HD screen.
Screen door is pretty bad. Diagonal lines, no real solid colors.
Then the field of view sucks big time. Like looking down a toilet paper tube.
Then the comfort is poor. The padding is thin and radious of headset is too small for my face so it presses on the sides.
Looking around cockpit with eyes only everyting lack focus and text is almost unreadable.

This is with 2.0 set in the debug tool and 1.0 ss in game. Everything on max/ultra.

There Re of course some positives as well.
Mainly the scale of everything. Cockpit is large and you can walk around in it looking at stuff never seen before.
The feeling of being in the cockpit is very immersive even though the fov is bad.
Motion is very smooth, no judder or ghosting.

So due to the big disappointment i decided to sell it today.

And i am now asking myself or you if the vive is better?

I think if i had an Oculus Rift, i'd also be disappointed.

I personally own a Vive, initially i was dead set on getting the Oculus Rift. Who needs room scale i'd ask? How silly an idea is that...

Then i read some Oculus vs Vive reviews and most leaning towards the Vive due to the roomscale, so i took the risk and plumbed for that.

Instantly when it arrived i knew i'd made the right decision, as room scale literally is the primary reason to own one. It's odd, you don't fully appreciate how significant it is. The ability to interact and move around in the room, use controllers for etc changes it entirely.

Then i bought Elite, which i refunded immediately. Sitting down in my Vive feels like a poor experience, when i'm interacting in a room scale game i feel involved and the lack of resolution bothers me less. I also feel far more immersed in it, which removes any part of me which may notice the FOV. I'm in the game, completely. When sat down i begin to notice all these things and just think to myself, i'd much prefer to play this on my monitor.
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I remember the days when a computer game was made with ASCII characters, even G1 VR blows the socks off that. It's a good job some people aren't so demanding ;)
Alright, done some more testing in the weekend. And if the FOV was a bit better and it was fitting better to my head then I would really keep it and enjoy Elite. The rest I could live with in Exchange for the great immersion and scale.

So then I read that the Vive really has better FOV and thicker foam that can be changed to fit two types of skull SHAPEs :). The FOV is approx. 10* better on the vive according to some test.

Perhaps I will be satisfied with it.

But then I read on the elite forum that it has a problem with scale and Everything is too small scale compared to rift. And that it is a problem with the coding in elite.

Well, I am going to get the Vive demoed at the local shop and if FOV is really better and Frontier fixes the scale I will get it instead.
Surprised people can't get along with elite.

For me it actually feels like I'm sitting inside of the ship, I find it amazing. Sure you can see it's shortcomings with the resolution, and maybe you want something else out of vr, but it feels so real.

Living the dream, as a kid that grew up on 70's/80's scfi.
Surprised people can't get along with elite.

For me it actually feels like I'm sitting inside of the ship, I find it amazing. Sure you can see it's shortcomings with the resolution, and maybe you want something else out of vr, but it feels so real.

Living the dream, as a kid that grew up on 70's/80's scfi.

Oh it feels like I'm in a ship when I have it on. As soon as I use my Xbox One pad though it breaks the immersion for me, it's just not natural.

On the other side of the coin with a room scale style game everything just fits, using the controller's as guns in Hover Junkers or Brookhaven, or as bow and arrow in the labs. Feels completely natural.
Guy's is the motion sickness the same with CV1 compared with DK2?

Each person is different, what might be bad for one person another person might not feel it at all. The best way is to try and test one to see how you react to it.
Oculus store has adopted a comfort rating - Comfortable, Moderate or Intense. So far I've seen a lot of reviewers complain about Eve Valkyrie, which is rated Intense. Some seem to persevere and get over it. "Finding your VR legs" it's called.
tried to take away the padding, which was easy.

Sure increased to fov and sharpness, but I think edge of oled screen is now visible instead since I see a vertival line on the edge of the lenses.
You'll be waiting another 2-3 years for it because the technology isn't there yet to support high-resolution, high-FOV screens with the graphical fidelity and frame rates that are required. We either need a step change in GPU capability, or improved rendering algorithms (e.g. foveated rendering) which in turn require a lot of R&D to get to a consumer level.

Gen 1 is flawed in so many ways, but it's the just the first of many stepping stones. Resolution / FOV is just one part of the whole. Decoupling from the PC (either through wireless technologies or compact battery-powered PCs) is another step, as is tackling the issue of motion sickness. Then there's the tracking, input methods and haptic feedback.

That's fine, it'll probably coincide with Nvidia Volta around 2017/18
Well based on my two days of testing so far, I would say to anyone considering buying one, don't. The technology just isn't ready yet.

The potential is there and when you put on the headset you have some very genuine wow moments. But, I have agree with most of what the OP said.

The touch controllers would help a lot with the immersion. My problem, I am not sure I want to keep the rift for that long. I can see that in a month or less, it will be just a big paper weight in the desk, only something to amaze friends/family when they call over.
Well based on my two days of testing so far, I would say to anyone considering buying one, don't.

I'd say to anyone considering buying it - try it 1st and see what you think. For every "Piece of junk" I've heard for both Oculus and Vive, I've heard at least one "This is teh absolute awesome"
With E: D in particular, if you have spent a large amount of time playing the game at 1080 / 1440 / 4k, then VR is going to be a big disappointment.

No it's not, VR is fabulous. The limitations are more than made up by the sense of scale and of "being there."

I don't understand these threads. People know the resolution before they buy, what do they think 1200p is going to look like with your eyes less than 1" away from the screen:rolleyes:
Well based on my two days of testing so far, I would say to anyone considering buying one, don't. The technology just isn't ready yet.

Well if everyone listened to your recommendation we won't ever have the technology. CV1/Vive 1 needs to succeed to pave the way for the next gen.
No it's not, VR is fabulous. The limitations are more than made up by the sense of scale and of "being there."

I don't understand these threads. People know the resolution before they buy, what do they think 1200p is going to look like with your eyes less than 1" away from the screen:rolleyes:

I really did not know that it would look like 640x400 when the lenses simulate same distance to dashboard in Elite as on a 2d screen.

Also the very limted FOV of rift is probably the main thing that kills immersion for me. Hard to test these things Before purchase because it is not available for testing.

Tempted to get the Vive despite all its limitations in Elite. Here I can buy it at local store and test it at home and if I dont like it we are backed up by laws that say you can return it if not to liking. Even after testing.

Some have also replaced the padding of the Vive with some sleeping mask to get really big FOV and better focus as well.

I have Heard good things about SS and vive, since I have a 1080 that ill be no problem.
Well if everyone listened to your recommendation we won't ever have the technology. CV1/Vive 1 needs to succeed to pave the way for the next gen.

These VR sets will for sure not "succeed" at the price they are at now. For that poor image quality only making up for immersion of being in the game. Most people will not spend that cash for just immersion.
This is not aimed at the general consumer market.
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