Dishwashers... 2 people.. recommendations?

13 Jan 2003
We're looking for a dishwasher for the normal daily stuff for two people. We were impressed by a slimline one at the house on holiday as it was small enough to do the daily chores but not be large enough to be 1/2 used all the time. We're considering a slimline so that we can effectively have a full-ish load for a low water usage.

So any suggestions?
Having lived in three places with dishwashers when it's just been the two of us we never use the dishwasher. It always seemed like a good idea but just not worth waiting to fill up and put on, just spend two minutes washing up!
That's the thing - we've done that for a 10+ years..

Looking at something like the Bosch series there's a interesting one that only uses 6 litres of water as it uses the dirty water from the wash before to remove the initial dirt.

That's also the reason for looking at a slimline so we're not under loading it for a wash.
Between two of us we fill a dishwasher most days or every other day at worst, depends how much cooking you do I guess.

Was gonna say between the two of us we fill our full size dishwasher every 2 days or so! Wouldn't be without one haha.
Just keep putting stuff in for a day or two until it's full, then turn it on. I'd never go for a slimline, as you can't really get enough in if you do your pans as well as your plates. It's probably more efficient to do one larger wash than two or three smaller ones.

I find that if we have a couple of people staying, it's easy to do a load every day, and you don't want to be running a small dishwasher two or three times in a day, as it takes too long unless you use the more power-hungry "fast" programs.

Even with two people, if you cook a couple of times a day, there's pans, plates, cups, glasses, cutlery, etc. It all adds up, and a slimline dishwasher is just too limiting unless you want to wash all your pans by hand (so what's the point of the dishwasher?)
That's the thing - we've done that for a 10+ years..

Looking at something like the Bosch series there's a interesting one that only uses 6 litres of water as it uses the dirty water from the wash before to remove the initial dirt.

That's also the reason for looking at a slimline so we're not under loading it for a wash.

Given that the very last and first thing a dishwasher does in pump out, it does not use the dirty water from a previous wash.
Given that the very last and first thing a dishwasher does in pump out, it does not use the dirty water from a previous wash.

Actually, they do. They save the water from the final rinse and then use it for the first part of the wash on the next cycle.
That's the thing - we've done that for a 10+ years..

Looking at something like the Bosch series there's a interesting one that only uses 6 litres of water as it uses the dirty water from the wash before to remove the initial dirt.

That's also the reason for looking at a slimline so we're not under loading it for a wash.

I reckon just doing the washing up in a bowl uses about 6 litres, also water is far cheaper than a dishwasher. Stop being lazy! We do it by hand and theres 3 of us, takes 5-10 mins.
I have a Neff full size, I live alone. I have NO problems filling it up. Easy if you cook yourself meals.

A slimline will do your nut in for 2 people, unless you use like.... no dishes. Just get a fullsize and do larger loads, enable Half Load mode for small amounts.
We had a slimline in our first house, as the gap was there for one. It was fine for two of us, and for two plus a baby.

To be honest, I kind of miss it purely because I preferred emptying it twice a day (3 times every 2 days it was, really) than doing one massive load as I do now with the full size. It just takes too long

There's negligible difference in energy/water use between the two sizes, though, so if space in the kitchen isn't an issue, then just get a big one and run it 50% full.
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