Distant Worlds - 4X space strategy game

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Distant Worlds - Overview

Distant Worlds is a vast, real-time, 4X space strategy game. Explore the galaxy and expand your mighty empire across the stars...
MMOG scale, 4X depth, RTS simplicity

Experience the full depth and detail of large turn-based strategy games, but with the simplicity and ease of real-time, and on the scale of a massively-multiplayer online game.
A Galaxy with a heartbeat...

Vast galaxies are made to order: up to 1400 star systems, with up to 50,000 planets, moons and asteroids. Galaxies are so deep, fun and immersive that you won’t want to finish the game... Build, expand and improve your empire endlessly.
Seamlessly zoom your view from a single ship or planet right out to the entire galaxy – or any level in between. Watch thousands of star ships criss-crossing the galaxy: transporting cargo, mining resources, exploring uncharted regions, colonizing new planets, taming lawless areas.
The galaxy is packed with life and activity. Encounter other empires, independent alien colonies, traders, pirates and space monsters. Explore star systems, asteroid fields, gas clouds, supernovae, galactic storms and black holes. Discover evidence of civilizations long since past, uncovering secrets about the galaxy's troubled history...
Private enterprise leads the way

Your citizens expand your empire’s economy by themselves: colonies grow in size and culture, freighters transport cargo, mining ships and mining stations exploit resources – without any direction from you.
Your job as the head of government for your empire is to explore, colonize and protect. Providing security and stability allows trade and development to flourish at your colonies. But neglecting your defences will see your empire shrink as it is attacked by marauding pirates and other greedy empires.
Use a full array of tools to help your empire achieve dominance: diplomacy, espionage and the threat and use of military force.
Do things your way

Automate as much or as little of the game as you like, leaving you time to focus on the game aspects that interest you most.
Play the game your way: enjoy a quick, intense game in a crowded galaxy or take your time in an epic game spread across a vast galaxy


Personal Reviews

Having been playing the game yesterday and seen some interesting stuff and experienced some cool things, while the game takes quite a while to get into and learn, after you get past the steep learning curve and set a level of automation you're comfortable with the game really begins.
It's like eve, with patience comes reward, instant gratification people stay clear.

I dare say this is the best space 4x I've ever played
, and I do not say that lightly, I've played most 4x games from MoO to Stars! to Sword of The Stars.
This game takes everything that was good and cool from other games
of the genre, mixes it with Europa Universalis and creates something new.
I really love this game.
Very quick early impressions from me: starts slow and confusing. Then gets much better. The economy is semi-broken right now (confirmed by the dev and a fix is in the works, probably released by Sunday). This game has a definite learning curve.

The AI suggestions are pretty damn cool. Had one suggest that I mount a surprise attack against an enemy by gathering my fleet at one planet and then striking an enemy research base behind his lines. I pressed the "Yes!" button and my fleet automatically gathered up, refueled, and executed the entire plan automatically.

Of course, you can turn all that stuff off and do everything yourself, too, but it was neat.

Going to play this all weekend, I think, then I'll be in a better position to make a real judgement. So far I do not feel like I made a bad move in buying this.

I can say this for certain: way damn better than Armada 2526.
So far. . . MUCHO better than Armada. Hell, . I think this is the best 4x strategy game I have ever played. A the least, it is my favorite thus far. The AI is truly something special.
I love the game, best damn 4x I've ever tried. But it's being held back by bugs and sloppy programming, they claim they'll release a patch on sunday which will fix many of the issues, if they do that then they show immense amount of dedication to their customers. So I'm hoping for that.

I still can't stop playing it. Once you get past the learning curve then it becomes very addicting, right now I control everything myself, but when I was learning how everything worked out etc I had some automation on, this gradually became less and less as I became comfortable with the game.
Best 4X ever? I hate to say it after playing it for such a short time but ... yes, it really is. Blows GalCiv 2, Armada 2526, SoaSE and SoTS right out of the water. It needs some polishing and some bug fixing, though. (And yeah, better than SE V I think.)

No hawt 3D graphics anywhere in this baby, but man oh man does it have the gameplay. There's always so much going on ... pirate factions screw with each other, the diplomacy has (so far) made sense(!), and the automation system lets you play Unconcerned King over your dominion if you want -- then lets you step in and manage everything right down to how many guns are on your little escorts. Totally up to you.

I thought the in-game editor was a nice touch, too. If the game gets too easy or too hard, or if you just want to throw some more stuff in, you can just click the editor button to edit factions, add stars, throw in a black hole or three ... it's just awesome and definitely not just for cheating. Great for a sandbox universe.

looks very tempting I must say ! but I need to grab the Diplomacy addon for Sins' before this :p ... will keep my eye on it though.. cheers N79
looks very tempting I must say ! but I need to grab the Diplomacy addon for Sins' before this :p ... will keep my eye on it though.. cheers N79

I was left dissapointed with Diplomacy :( granted it was a decent add-on but didn't really do anything for me. Was a bit of a let down :(
Does anyone have this yet?

I like 4x games but I have had problems with space versions, not sure why but I haven't found one I like yet. I can't find any reviews on the net.
The developer has just released a rather staggering list of updates in an expansion (Distant Worlds - Return of the Shakturi). Seemingly a lot of improvements. I like to wait a while before buying a game to allow all the kinks to be ironed out and the gameplay balanced. I'm on the cusp of buying the original+expansion to play over Christmas. There has now been 8 months of post release development that I'm hoping has polished the game up.

Anyone have any feedback on the competence of the AI after the substantial 1.0.6 patch (released around September?)? I read the AI has been improved even more with the expansion as well as the usual UI improvements, improved tech tree and extra gameplay features.

The developer's website is here:


News, videos and the all important forums can be found there. I've been reading the after action reports for a feel of the game. The videos section with youtube clips and a voice over are useful too.

Anyone got any feedback on the later patched versions of the game? (Or even the expansion released yesterday?).

Expansion features list:
* New backstory
* Two new alien races with exciting storyline events!
* Next chapter of the storyline where a possible intergalactic menace returns!
* Fighters and Carriers
* Build fighter bay components into ships and bases
* Fighters launch from carriers to intercept enemies: standard fighters that attack other fighters, bombers that attack ships and bases. Several fighter and bomber variants available with research.
* Completely new Research system with comprehensive tech trees
* Greatly expanded technology options with customizable research costs allow you to tailor your game to your liking!
* Queue multiple research projects in each tree, crash research to obtain new tech faster
* Some research projects improve existing components, minimizing the need to retrofit ships and bases to obtain new tech advantages
* New tech for your ships and bases
* Missiles faster and longer range than torpedoes
* Ion Weapons fire ion bolts that disable weapons and engines of enemy ships
* Ion Defense protects ships and bases from the effects of ion weapons
* Point Defense Cannons attack enemy fighters and bombers
* Fleet Targeting Uplink improve weapons targeting of all nearby ships
* Fleet Area ECM improve countermeasures of all nearby ships
* Area Shield Restore quickly recharge shields of your nearby ships when in battle
* HyperBlock Components provide safe zone around space ports, pulling enemy ships out of hyperspace before they reach a target
* Trace Scanners reveal internal details of enemy ships and bases
* Planetary Facilities built at colonies
* Troop Academy trains elite troops with high strength
* Robotic Troop Foundry manufactures robotic troops
* Troop Cloning Facility clones the best troops in your empire
* Giant Ion Cannon fires disabling ion bolts at invading enemy ships
* Planetary Shield defends the colony against enemy bombardment
* Regional Capital provides additional capitals in your empire, reducing corruption in nearby colonies
* User Interface Improvements
* Action Buttons - One-click access to common tasks, enabling you to easily manage most of your empire directly from the main screen
o Colonize planets, build mining stations and other bases
o Construct new ships and bases at space ports and colonies
o Select enemy targets to attack
* Empire Navigation Tool - Set of scrollable lists that provide quick access to everything in your empire: colonies, space ports, fleets, potential colonies, potential mining stations, etc.
o Hover over an item in the list to ping its location in the main view
o Click an item in the list to select it, double-click an item to move to it
* Enemy Targets List - Shows all known enemy targets
o Click a target to assign the nearest available fleet to attack it
o Or cycle your fleets to attack with the selected fleet
* Build Orders - Mass-produce many new ships in one simple step
* Fleet enhancements
* Automated Fleet formation generates both large and small sized fleets to more effectively handle both offense and defense
* Automated Fleets automatically respond to intercept nearby enemies without additional player management
* Other
* Empire Policies: More detailed control over the automation of your empire set policy options that your advisers will enact for you, allowing you to focus on the strategic level.
* New galaxy shapes in game setup
* Extended modding support
* Access to tech descriptions during Diplomacy
* Many other minor improvements
* Play Distant Worlds in windowed mode minimize the window while your game plays in the background
* Please note: Distant Worlds Return of the Shakturi REQUIRES ownership of the original full Distant Worlds game.
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