Distant Worlds - 4X space strategy game

Yeah the price is ridiculous but because I really like the genre I went for it anyway.

So far I've played two games getting used to the mechanics and I'm currently ~10 hours in to my third. So it's proving good value for money.

Perhaps wait until they release the 'Legends' expansion as they're doing a complete series discounted version. Also the Legends add-on brings some nice improvements and features that will only cement the depth and credibility of the original title.
Love the concept of the game but ITS UI IS SO UGLY! i cant get the grips of it :( there are no proper tutorials!
How difficult is it to learn compared to say X3:TC?

I remember it taking ages to get the hang of all the things you can do in X3:TC. Then when I stopped playing it for a while and went back to my save game, I had no idea how to do anything. So easy to forget the finer parts of that game.
How difficult is it to learn compared to say X3:TC?

I remember it taking ages to get the hang of all the things you can do in X3:TC. Then when I stopped playing it for a while and went back to my save game, I had no idea how to do anything. So easy to forget the finer parts of that game.

I purchased X3:TC and have tried to get in to it three times now, hasn't happened yet and I'm not sure why! :(

As the post above, once you've sussed the foundations out it's not too bad, just need to remember to keep on top of certain things such as the right research, updating designs and building mining bases as and when you find suitable planets and moons.

You can also automate everything or just a few things, which is a nice touch for those that might get bogged down and run off crying in to their space soup!
X:Rebirth *should* be easier to get into Bleek as it's a ground-up re-design rather than an amalgamation of mods and clunky interfaces of the previous games.

This game looks a bit more Civ-like than X-like.
Legends got released yesterday. Highly positive reception from the community. The devs are living on the forums to answer questions.


There are videos of games to follow too in the after action report forum:


A new player would need to purchase the original, first expansion and the recently released second expansion to have the latest. It all comes in at approximately £60. Not cheap by any means.
Spacesector has published their review of the Legends expansion.


"For people who never played these kind of games, that is to say: 4X, grand-scale, highly complex, space empire building games then Distant Worlds Legends is the perfect game for you to make your entrance."

"I finish with this. If Master of Orion 2 was the 4X space strategy gaming reference of the nineties, then Distant Worlds Legends is the 4X space strategy gaming reference of the early XXI century."
As someone who has been playing since the first release and has all the expansions and the steam edition id say its defiantly worth it.

I recommend watching a few lets plays from https://www.youtube.com/user/Das24680 to see if its your sort of game.

Must warn you though once you play it all other strategy games feel shallow in comparison.
Been following this for a while now. Bought it off steam now as its in the sale. I do enjoy my 4x games and this is meant to be the ultimate. I just watched a couple tutorial videos and it doesn't seem too bad actually in complexity.
Not gonna touch this game till I finish witcher 3, so ill let you know what I think of it in a couple months..

Tutorial videos:


Only watched the first 3, he makes it really easy to understand. Once im ready to play the game ill watch all the videos and I think ill be fairly confident to play :)
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Thanks, will get this, those tutorials are good. Hopefully give me a head start in the learning.

Just hope new ssd and gfx card shows up tomorrow. Something's broke and won't boot and was running out if space anyway. Hopefully it'll fix pc.
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