Distant Worlds - 4X space strategy game

Another expansion is due out shortly. The developers have been interacting quite closely with the community to improve the game over the past year.

Space sector have just finished a review of the game with the 1st expansion here:

The next expansion is called Legends and is due out before Christmas 2011. Legends introduces borders, characters, AI tweaks, UI tweaks and an expanded gfx set for ships.

I still think this is the best space strategy game out at the moment.

How does it compare to GalCiv2? I found GalCiv actually lacked real depth, the diplomacy felt forced and the universe a bit sterile really. Not to say I didn't enjoy it, but over time it felt rather dull.
I didnt enjoy any space strategy game as much as I liked Imperium Galactica 2, and there has never been anything else like it.
I'm surprised I've never heard of this game as I really deep and slow/moderate paced strategy titles.

The more I read about Distant Worlds the more it sounds like my thing, so thanks to SithUK for bumping this thread and bringing it to my attention. :)
I'm surprised I've never heard of this game as I really deep and slow/moderate paced strategy titles.

The more I read about Distant Worlds the more it sounds like my thing, so thanks to SithUK for bumping this thread and bringing it to my attention. :)

Bleek: I expect you're not the only one who hasn't heard of it. It's gotten surprisingly little PR.

The main game forums can be found here:

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It's a shame but the same of another game I really like AI War: Fleet Command, great indie title but with limited exposure.

Also GalCiv2 really, still a great game but dated.

I've tried Galciv 2 lots of times, but really couldnt get into it. I'd rather just play normal Civ / SMAC / Imperium Galactica 2.

I simply dont understand why no one can make new games as good as those games used to be. Firaxis are still trying at least.

I just watched the youtube videos for this game, and it looks horribad to me, far too slow and unimpressive. SPAZ is better, it might not have much depth but its awesome fun.
^ Nexus 2 should be great whenever it is released(if it is). The first one is excellent.

I couldn't get in to this game, i didn't play it much but i do have it laying around somewhere.
I just watched the youtube videos for this game, and it looks horribad to me, far too slow and unimpressive. SPAZ is better, it might not have much depth but its awesome fun.

SPAZ shares the same setting, space, that's about the only resemblance. :)

It does look rather choppy and clunky from the videos, for example the trailer videos look like they're running at 5 fps, surely the game engine can't be that bad? :confused:
The Distant Worlds videos are terribly dated. I experience no slowdown issues. I'm on a Q6600 4870 4Gg (need to update my sig). Not exactly a performance rig by today's standards.
I jumped two foot first and bought both the original and the expansion, I've been through the tutorials and now I've started a huge universe ... and when they say huge, they mean it with around 50,000 planets!

This is one big ass game.
Aside from the old fashioned graphics, particularly the compressed event images, this game feels rather grand. It does well at making the universe feel a live and the scale is colossal, somewhat daunting just like real space exploration.

The Legends expansion is due soon and which plans to improve the game mechanics further, add increased texture resolution (some people are calling it a High Def update), applies quite a bit of polish and depth to the already extensive feature list.

It's interesting to read the differences between the original and the two expansions, very positive progression thanks to community/fanbase feedback.

If you're in to '4X' then you really should take a look at this game, it adds quite a few features above and beyond what your typical 4X title is missing.

I'm quite glad I missed this last year because now I get to arrive when they've polished out the bugs and issues.
Is it like soase ? I like that but would prefer a slower game as that was quite fast paced.

Isn't SoaSE more like Homeworld i.e. 3D space battles?

This is more like Galactic Civ or Masters of Orion, but with more depth and features; the universe feels more 'alive'.
Might've looked more closely at this game but the timing is bad with X Rebirth just around the corner.
Might've looked more closely at this game but the timing is bad with X Rebirth just around the corner.

Theres no telling when X Rebirth is gonna turn up in 2012, & i wouldn't be at all surprised if there isn't more slippage with the release schedule.
Ok I re-read this thread and thought it may be worth getting in the interim. Then I realised it'd cost £44 to get started (and that's the download version + expansion) plus another expansion coming by x-mas so a likely total of £61.

Bit too pricey for me! I like how Egosoft give you more content for free and carry on supporting their games for ages after release. The same new content other developers/publishers charge you half the price of the game (or more) for.
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