DnB thread!

OK people maybe you can help.

There's a DnB/Dubstep track. Pretty dark, lots of wobble. All I know is there is a voiceover of a guy who says "Mad world".

Now I'm pretty sure I actually have this track lol. But I was in HMV today and they played a version which sounded like it had Rihanna doing some "Hmmmm yeahhhhhh" kinda lyrics. The song didn't go on for very long either.

(Yes I could have asked but there was a queue)
That's it. Thanks.

I'm a little confused though. I could have sworn this was a DnB tune by a big artist. But I'm not seeing any credit to anyone else.

EDIT: THANK YOU! I knew I was right lol.


Anyone else going? :)
That's it. Thanks.

I'm a little confused though. I could have sworn this was a DnB tune by a big artist. But I'm not seeing any credit to anyone else.

EDIT: THANK YOU! I knew I was right lol.

Lol I knew it was either C&S or Sub Focus as I've heard it in one (both?) their essential mixes - and the first video on youtube I searched for was "welcome to the mad house" and it was Rihanna haha! Winrar :D

Unsure on that version, but the C&S one is sikkkkk :cool:
goah who posted the pendulum new tune lol, i gotta say im glad theyv disassociated themselved with dnb bc their fastly becoming pretty **** in any genre...their new song is horrid. which is a shame as their first few years were amazing.

anyone been listening to breakage new album - i loved it at first but slowly beginning to think its an early riser which will disappear into the 'play once a year category'

hoping london elec starts hammering out some new tunes soon , he must be finished on his new album soon surely??

noisa - cant wait!!!!
goah who posted the pendulum new tune lol, i gotta say im glad theyv disassociated themselved with dnb bc their fastly becoming pretty **** in any genre...their new song is horrid. which is a shame as their first few years were amazing.

anyone been listening to breakage new album - i loved it at first but slowly beginning to think its an early riser which will disappear into the 'play once a year category'

hoping london elec starts hammering out some new tunes soon , he must be finished on his new album soon surely??

noisa - cant wait!!!!

I personally don't mind pendulum especially their new tune however i don't consider them DnB anymore. They seem to have created a little sub genre for themselves almost like an electronic pop genre as such which they share with numerous other artists that no longer really fit in their original genres due to their successes.

I have been toying with the idea of getting breakages album and have been listening to his tracks for a while now but i still can't make my mind up on this. There are some very good tunes there but i don't know if there's enough there to sway me to buy the album.

On a second note i need DJ Fresh to stop messing around and finish his album already!
but thats the point really , they were an amazing dnb group and really psuhed the genre out to the mainstream more then anyone else did (even roni size) but something must have happened between 2006-2008(from their jungle mix release to in silco) because they completely changed to something horrid. fair enough but when i watch some of their new gigs all i see is little teenies doing the metal sign at their music? surely this is something they didnt want to become??
i just dont get how you can go to a well repected dnb group to just pure pop trash in 2 years - its crazy.

dj fresh , yeh i love his new songs, not a massive fan of his old album but his new one should be good - i love the vid to hypercaine
anyone been listening to breakage new album - i loved it at first but slowly beginning to think its an early riser which will disappear into the 'play once a year category'QUOTE]

I'm enjoying it, in particular Old Skool Ting and Foundation, but what's with all the annoying interludes!
im on my last few pennies till my money comes in now, woops!

edit: wow nice tune, may have to get that too once money sorts itself out :D
only 6.99 too for new blood! might get a hoodie while im at it :P
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