DnB thread!

Hmm not really that into any of those.

I've really started getting into what I think is DnB and some Dubstep recently, but it's probably the mroe commercial sound type stuff I guess.

Was at the big reunion and a few guys played that were awesome (Stereotype and Fabio).
Up all night by John B is a bit of a classic. He has a few vocal tunes. Mercury skies being the other one that comes to mind. I'm not really a fan of John B, but really like Up all night.

Heres what i've been litening to a lot lately, some newish some old :)

Not drum and bass but gonna be a smasher for 2011

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netsky fanboy much? get some taste man...hes such an overhyped monkey.
and shpaeshifters remix album has been out forever...although its pretty crap, shapeshifters music doesnt need to be remixed, it perfect the way its originally meant to be.

loving calibres new album ... tres tres good.

Get your head out of your arse and grow up. Don't ruin this thread with your unnecesary arrogance. If you don't like what someones posted ignore it.

You don't half talk rubbish, how is someone a fanboy just because they like a particular artist?

Thank you.

Anybody here heading to Fabric on January 7th for Hospitality?

Calibre's album is growing on me.

Really like Phaeleh's stuff at the moment too along with a lot of Blu Mar Ten bit more ambient.
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