DnB thread!

He's recently gave away 3 free tunes, 4th incoming soon! Keep an eye out for him man, got some wicked releases coming up on Co-Lab, iQ Entertainment and a few others.

As for Loz Contreras above, another wicked producer and all around sound bloke. He's sent me some tunes of his in the past (Soul 77, LV) and recently 'Rocking You' which was featured on Random Movement's podcast to promote for him on my channel.

just to clarify if these contain any samples of other peoples wotk then they cannot be posted here
I never liked Original Sin.

Twisted was the man back in the day, Taxman or Hazard is good in this era.

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Original Sin is one guy, (Adam Tindill) brother of Taxman (Dominic Tindill). Saw Hazard the other week at Detonate Nottm - absolutely tore up the dancefloor!

I don't remember hearing that, although I think I was too close to the speakers - everything sort of sounded the same lol. I do remember Hazard dropping Proteus though.

Netsky was better than expected, I thought he was gonna play some pure cheese, but he kept in with the general vibe.

Unless I missed it I didn't hear 'Fresh - Gatekeeper' get dropped which I was hoping to hear.
Might not of been Bug Crusher, think it was 'Rise' actually. Still on Maji's label either way! Good vibes that night though.
Been a long time since I've heard any Mistabishi - but this is awesome.
Loving that Liquidicity is back uploading again now.

Edit: Dammit, meant to post this in the Dubstep thread - Sorry!
Discovered an album I missed back in 2007, its pretty damn good.

Calyx and Teebee - Anatomy

For something that is fairly new, it doesnt for me follow the same style as the crap you get nowadays. It has a very old school filth feel to it. I can't stop listening.
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went to see ray keith at moles in bath tonight, awesome set from the jungle legend, plus an absolute blinding set from serial killaz!

truly awesome night and hope some other Bath boys/girls reached :)
Subbed to Hospital Records about 6 months ago but they didn't upload anything for ages.
All of a sudden they've started uploading a few older High Contrast songs, awesome :D

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