Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas?

I shaved my crack once. It was ridiculously uncomfortable to sit down for about 2 weeks. Never, ever, again.

Only reason I don't shave it is becuase I find it grows back far too quick and requires too much effort..... I shave me armpits/manbush every 3rd or 4th day and that does the job + you can have more fun slapping your thighs with your veg . . . feels more maneuverable than it does having a jungle to compete with + if you are bored you can draw hair where your bush should be and sit sunglasses on top of your soldier and there ya go... a face , the possibilities are endless tbh
I'm very hairy and it gets uncomfortable so my regime is basically:

Number 1 on my head every week
Zero on my neck every week
Zero on my sack & crack every week (I actually use an attachment that came with my nose trimmer for this and then a Protector blade).
Zero on my nose every week
Number 1 on my chest/belly/groin every month
Zero on my back every 2 months
Zero on the top of my feet every month
Zero on my underarms every month

OK, so this is going to a very random and peculiar question...but...

Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas? If so why?

P.S. I will reveal my answer later ;)

I keep my beard trimmed, downstairs trimmed with sack and crack completely shaved.

Shaved my legs for one summer, absolutely awesome sensation lying in bed with shaved legs, even better with someone else with shaved legs!!! Missus hated it though so not again...

As for cyclists, there are two generally accepted reasons; ease of massage and for keeping wounds cleaner. Both certainly have their merits however the most unarguable reason is simply tradition.
Shave my nuts but trim above and keep my snail trail and arm pits tidy. Chest goes untouched.

Why do I do it? Well looks tidier for a start, reciprocating for the same reasons girls do it gives you brownie points which invariably are immediately traded in for sexual benefits relating to one freshly shaved scrotum and the tongue belonging to ones sexual partner. Not to mention any such condiments used, I.e. chocolate sauce, become easier to consume for ones lady friend.
I love how there are genuinely people reading this thread that think that shaving/trimming anything but your face is something only homosexuals would do.
Nosehair, even at my young age is actually becoming a bit of a problem and a snot trap. That gets a trim, as best I can manage with a sharp pair of nail scissors.
I shave everything, except my head and eyebrows. Feels a lot nicer than when its all hairy. Just personal preference. My girlfriend likes it, so I'm happy.

I don't see why some of you see it as 'gay'? It is neither 'gay' nor 'manly' it is just a personal thing. Was just wondering, hence the thread.
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