Do speed cameras still flash nowadays?

9 Dec 2009
My fault. I was visiting mum (in palliative care :( ) and the 40 zone changes to a 30 going uphill, and just over the brow there's a fixed camera. The painted lines for the camera on the road are well kept, and it's actually a good place to site a camera because just after there's a rank of several shops.

I usually cruise up the hill at 40 and time coming off the throttle so I'm just under 30 when passing the camera.
This time I wasn't on the ball, I was admittedly miles away thinking about mum and I realised when passing the painted lines I was doing 34 indicated, maybe 35 but pretty sure I was showing 34.

It was a dull drizzly day but I'm fairly sure no lights went off in the camera.

On the way home I compared my obd readout to the speedo and 34 on my analogue speedo shows as 33 on obd.

I fired up Google maps and stuck the cruise control on at 34 indicated in my speedo, and Google gps shows this as 32.

So, my questions are:

1 If the lights didn't flash, does the mean anything nowadays?

2 With a clean license for the past 10 years, will I be offered a speed awareness course for this speed if I do get done?

3 How many lashes do I need to give myself for being a killer driver?

About 6 weeks ago I went through a fixed camera in the A1 doing (indicated) 60 in a 50 and never heard back.

Like you I'd driven past that camera countless times, but was in my own little world that time.
Sorry to hear about your mum :( Wishing you all the best

I had a similar question with a mobile camera recently.

Was on a work call in the car and went from a 40 to a 30. I use cruise/limiters almost all the time, and just couldn’t remember if I’d come off the accelerator or cruise. I do the journey regularly and I’m often in autopilot at that point. There was a mobile camera pointing at the speed change getting people as they came through

I genuinely had no idea if I’d be seeing a ticket or not. Thankfully nothing came through but it definitely evidenced why being on the phone while driving isn’t great.

Was a bit cheeky though waiting for people at the speed change.
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So, my questions are:

1 If the lights didn't flash, does the mean anything nowadays?

2 With a clean license for the past 10 years, will I be offered a speed awareness course for this speed if I do get done?

3 How many lashes do I need to give myself for being a killer driver?


1 If it is a GATSO camera, which I would think it was, considering the lines on the road, you'd get a double flash if there is a camera present. They get moved around quite a bit.

2 Yes. Generally you can expect some leeway before the camera will trigger, but I don't know how much that would be in your area. I have a feeling you can factor in 10%, maybe a little more. Probably a course offer if you're just over.

3 None, but what if there had been a child in the street? And you weren't able to stop in time? Sorry, I'm a bit pedantic about speed limits.

A fixed camera notice will need to be with you within 14 days. However, if you're not the Registered Keeper then the Registered Keeper will have to provide your details. The Registered Keeper will have to receive the notice within 14 days.

All the very best to you and your Mum, that's a horrible situation to be in.
At worst you'll end up with a speed awareness course if you've not had one in the last 2 years but as others have said I don't think you'll hear anything.
I believe this is 3 years actually, as I got caught doing 35 in a 30 last month. about a week short of 3 years since I was last caught speeding (and been very careful since!).

Luckily it seems they treat it as "3 years since your last course" rather than since the last offence.
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